
如果你也在 怎样代写计量经济学Econometrics 这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。计量经济学Econometrics是一门基于一些经济和统计理论的经济学学科,使用数学和统计方法以及计算机技术,并采用计量经济学模型作为定量分析和研究具有随机特征的经济变量之间关系的主要手段

计量经济学的一个基本工具是多元线性回归 multiple linear regression模型。计量经济学理论使用统计理论statistical theory和数理统计mathematical statistics来评估和发展计量经济学方法。计量经济学家试图找到具有理想统计特性的估计量estimators,包括无偏性 unbiasedness、效率Efficiency (statistics)和一致性Consistency (statistics)。应用计量经济学使用理论计量经济学和现实世界的数据来评估经济理论,开发计量经济学模型Econometric model,分析经济历史Economic history和预测Economic forecasting。

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计量经济学Econometrics理论使用统计理论和数理统计来评估和发展计量经济学方法。计量经济学家试图找到具有理想统计特性的估计器,包括无偏性、效率和一致性。如果一个估计器的预期值是参数的真实值,那么它就是无偏的;如果随着样本量的增加,它能收敛到真实值,那么它就是一致的;如果在给定的样本量下,估计器的标准误差比其他无偏估计器低,那么它就是有效的。普通最小二乘法(OLS)经常被用于估计,因为它提供了BLUE或 “最佳线性无偏估计”(其中 “最佳 “意味着最有效的无偏估计),鉴于高斯-马尔科夫假设。当这些假设被违反或需要其他统计特性时,就会使用其他估计技术,如最大似然估计、广义矩量法或广义最小二乘法。那些赞成贝叶斯统计学而不是传统的、经典的或 “频繁主义 “方法的人主张采用包含先验信念的估计方法。


理论计量经济学Theoretical Econometrics代写


应用计量经济学Applied Econometrics代写



  • 时间序列分析Time-series analysis
  • 控制理论Control theory
  • 数学方法Mathematical methods
  • 优化理论 optimazation
  • 横截面数据Cross-sectional Data





Econometrics may use standard statistical models to study economic questions, but most often they are with observational data, rather than in controlled experiments. In this, the design of observational studies in econometrics is similar to the design of studies in other observational disciplines, such as astronomy, epidemiology, sociology and political science. Analysis of data from an observational study is guided by the study protocol, although exploratory data analysis may be useful for generating new hypotheses. Economics often analyses systems of equations and inequalities, such as supply and demand hypothesized to be in equilibrium. Consequently, the field of econometrics has developed methods for identification and estimation of simultaneous equations models. These methods are analogous to methods used in other areas of science, such as the field of system identification in systems analysis and control theory. Such methods may allow researchers to estimate models and investigate their empirical consequences, without directly manipulating the system.

One of the fundamental statistical methods used by econometricians is regression analysis.Regression methods are important in econometrics because economists typically cannot use controlled experiments. Econometricians often seek illuminating natural experiments in the absence of evidence from controlled experiments. Observational data may be subject to omitted-variable bias and a list of other problems that must be addressed using causal analysis of simultaneous-equation models.
In addition to natural experiments, quasi-experimental methods have been used increasingly commonly by econometricians since the 1980s, in order to credibly identify causal effects.


I=1,2,3, \ldots, N \text { and } t=1,2,3, \ldots, T
Then the empirical implications of the ICAPM are as follows. $K-1$ represents the number of the priced state variables. In a system with $S$ state
122 M. MAITI
variables if each factor portfolio is multifactor minimal variance, then $\alpha_{i}=0$ foralli, and the minimal variance boundary is crossed by a lincar combination of factor portfolios. The above statements can be tested statistically using the GRS test. The GRS examines whether the joint alphas value cqual to zero that is $\alpha_{i}=0$ foralli.

Empirically GRS test $F$ statistics can be calculated by using the following Eq. 5.14.
\left(\frac{T}{N}\right)\left(\frac{T-N-K}{T-K-1}\right)\left[\frac{\alpha^{\prime} \sum^{-1} \alpha}{1+\mu^{\prime} \Omega^{-1} \mu}\right] \sim F(N, T-N-K)
T sample size
$N$ number of assets/portfolios returns
$K$ number of risk factors
$\alpha$ is a $N \times 1$ vector of the estimated intercepts
$\Sigma$ is residual covariance matrix
$\mu$ is a $K \times 1$ vector of the factor portfolios’ sample means
$\Omega$ is the factor portfolios covariance matrix
$\alpha^{\prime} \sum^{-1} \alpha$ and $\mu^{\prime} \Omega^{-1} \mu$ are scalar terms.


Selection of Variables
Based on the study statement wisely selects the study variables. Selection of variables is the another important task in financial econometrics study. Most of the financial econometrics study deals with the closest proxy variables available as it is very difficult to obtained the real variables data. For example, it is very difficult to obtain the real estimates for the market returns. Influential Stock Index benchmarks (S\&P 500; BSE 30; NSE 50, and others) are often used as the proxy for market returns. For the study statement “To examine the performance of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) in Indian context”, study variables could be as follows: individual stocks or portfolio excess returns (dependent variable); risk free rate (91 days T-bills); market returns (BSE 30 or BSE-200 index monthly excess returns). For financial econometrics studies, data could be obtained from both paid and unpaid databases or data sources. Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters Eikon, Capitaline, Compustat, Datastream, CMIE Prowess, and others are some of the leading providers of financial data or databases based on subscriptions. Likewise Yahoo finance, central banks, World bank, IMF, Stock exchanges, Google finance, SEC, CoinMarketCap (Cryptocurrency), and others are some of the leading providers of public or free financial data or databases. Once variables are chosen next study period and frequency of data (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or others) has to be specified.


在某些情况下,经济变量不能像随机分配给受试者的治疗那样进行实验操作。在这种情况下,经济学家依靠观察性研究,经常使用具有许多强关联协变量的数据集,从而产生大量具有类似解释能力但协变量和回归估计值不同的模型。关于与观察数据集兼容的多种模型,Edward Leamer敦促 “专业人员……在推论能够被证明对假设的选择充分不敏感之前,适当地扣留信念”。

现代计量经济学近年来倾向于将数学、统计学和经济学更紧密地结合起来,由于面板数据(panel data)等计量经济学的研究越来越丰富,经济学家们逐渐用数学和其他计数方法将经济学科的理论知识体系转化为一定的方程和系统,以更形象地表示它们,最后通过数学和其他统计方法进行估计。这种方法的结合和过程的转化以及各行业的参考价格、利率、股票价格和其他许多经济数据的模式和变化做出了最大贡献。因此,新的发展趋向往往是采取经济学、数学和统计学相结合的方式,使得现代计量经济学更趋向于将数学、统计学和经济学紧密结合。

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