电动力学、狭义和广义相对论|PHYS3100 Electrodynamics, Special and General Relativity UWA代写



电动力学、狭义和广义相对论|PHYS3100 Electrodynamics, Special and General Relativity UWA代写

M_{o} c^{2} &=E^{\prime}+Q \
0 &=p^{\prime}-Q / c,
where $E^{\prime}$ and $p^{\prime}$ label the relativistic energy and momentum of the final (unexcited) atom of mass $M_{a}^{\prime}$. Let us say that we detect the photon and measure its energy $Q$. So, we need to eliminate $E^{\prime}$ and $p^{\prime}$ . A slick way to do this is to use the energy-momentum relation $E^{\prime 2}=p^{2} c^{2}+M_{o}^{2} c^{4}$. Rearranging gives
E^{\prime}=M_{o} c^{2}-Q \
p^{\prime}=Q / c
E^{\prime 2}-p^{\prime 2} c^{2}=\left(M_{o} c^{2}-Q\right)^{2}-Q^{2}=M_{o}^{\prime 2} c^{4}
M_{o}^{2} c^{4}-2 M_{o} c^{2} Q=M_{0}^{22} c^{4}

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Let us write this in terms of the energy difference between the initial and final atoms, taken at rest,
\Delta E \equiv M_{0} c^{2}-M_{0}^{\prime} c^{2} .
We focus on $\Delta E$ because this would be the energy difference between discrete quantum energy levels of the atom. One could calculate such a difference from first principles in quantum mechanics. Solving for $M_{a}^{\prime} c^{2}$,
M_{0} c^{2}-\Delta E=M_{0}^{\prime} c^{2}
Squaring gives
M_{0}^{2} c^{4}-2 M_{0} c^{2} \Delta E+(\Delta E)^{2}=M_{0}^{\prime 2} c^{4} .
Combining this with Eq. (6.41) gives
Q=\Delta E\left(1-\frac{\Delta E}{2 M_{0} c^{2}}\right)