数论 Number Theory II|MATH 8822Boston College Assignment


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Factorization of Ideals: The factorization of ideals in algebraic number theory is an extension of prime factorization in the integers. Given an algebraic number field K, we can define an ideal I to be a subset of K consisting of elements that are divisible by a fixed non-zero element of K. The factorization of an ideal into a product of prime ideals is unique up to order and multiplication by units of the ring of integers of K. This factorization has important applications in algebraic number theory, including the proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.

Local Fields: A local field is a field that is complete with respect to a non-archimedean absolute value. Examples of local fields include p-adic numbers and function fields over a finite field. Local fields have important applications in number theory, representation theory, and algebraic geometry.

数论 Number Theory II|MATH 8822Boston College Assignment

问题 1.

Let $(L, \leq)$ be a partially ordered set in which every countable chain has an upper bound. Let $S \subseteq L$ be countable such that for all $a, b \in S$ there is $c \in S$ such that $a \leq c$ and $b \leq c$. Prove that $S$ has an upper bound in $L$.

证明 .

To prove that $S$ has an upper bound in $L$, we will use Zorn’s lemma. Let $T$ be the set of all chains in $L$ that are contained in $S$, and let $C$ be a chain in $T$. We want to show that $C$ has an upper bound in $L$.

Since $C$ is a chain in $L$, we know that $(C, \leq)$ is a partially ordered set. Let $c$ be an upper bound for $C$ in $L$. We claim that $c$ is also an upper bound for $S$.

Suppose for the sake of contradiction that $c$ is not an upper bound for $S$. Then there exists some $s \in S$ such that $s \nleq c$. Since $S \subseteq C$, we know that $s \in C$. Since $c$ is an upper bound for $C$, we have $s \leq c$. This contradicts the assumption that $s \nleq c$, so our claim is proven.

Therefore, $c$ is an upper bound for $S$. To complete the proof, we need to show that $c$ is in fact an element of $L$. Since every countable chain in $L$ has an upper bound, we know that $L$ is a complete partial order. In particular, every chain in $L$ has a least upper bound (lub).

Let $D$ be the set of all upper bounds of $S$ in $L$. We want to show that $c = \operatorname{lub}(D)$, which will complete the proof. First, we show that $c$ is an upper bound of $S$. We have already shown this above.

Now, let $d$ be an upper bound of $S$ in $L$. We want to show that $c \leq d$. By definition of $D$, we have $c \in D$, so $c$ is an upper bound of $S$. Therefore, we have $c \leq d$, since $d$ is also an upper bound of $S$.

Finally, we need to show that $c$ is the least upper bound of $D$. Suppose for the sake of contradiction that there exists some $d’ \in L$ such that $d’ < c$ and $d’$ is an upper bound of $D$. Since $c$ is an upper bound of $D$, we have $d’ \leq c$. But this contradicts the assumption that $c$ is the least upper bound of $D$. Therefore, $c$ must be the least upper bound of $D$.

We have now shown that $S$ has an upper bound in $L$. Therefore, by definition of a complete partial order, $L$ has a least upper bound for $S$, which completes the proof.

问题 2. Prove that for all nonnegative integers $n \geq 0$ and $k>1, \sqrt[k]{n}$ is rational if and only if $n=d^k$ for some integer $d$.

证明 .

First, let’s assume that $\sqrt[k]{n}$ is rational. This means that there exists some integers $a$ and $b$ such that $\sqrt[k]{n}=\frac{a}{b}$, where $b\neq 0$. Raising both sides to the $k$-th power gives us $n=\frac{a^k}{b^k}$, which can be written as $nb^k=a^k$. This shows that $a^k$ is a multiple of $b^k$, which implies that $a$ must be a multiple of $b$. Let $a=cb$ for some integer $c$. Then we have $n=cb^k$, which can be written as $n=(b^{k-1}c)^k$. Therefore, $n$ is of the form $d^k$ for some integer $d=b^{k-1}c$.

Now let’s assume that $n=d^k$ for some integer $d$. We can write $d$ as $d=be$, where $b$ is the largest integer such that $b^k$ divides $d^k$, and $e$ is some integer. Then $n=d^k=(be)^k=b^ke^k$. Since $b$ is the largest integer such that $b^k$ divides $d^k$, $e$ is not divisible by $b$. Therefore, $b$ and $e$ are relatively prime. This implies that $b^k$ and $e^k$ are also relatively prime. Thus, $n=b^ke^k$ is in its simplest form as a product of relatively prime integers, and its $k$-th root is $\sqrt[k]{n}=e\in \mathbb{Z}$. Therefore, $\sqrt[k]{n}$ is rational.

Combining the two directions of the proof, we have shown that for all nonnegative integers $n \geq 0$ and $k>1$, $\sqrt[k]{n}$ is rational if and only if $n=d^k$ for some integer $d$.

问题 3.

Suppose $p, q, r$ are integers such that $\sqrt{p}+\sqrt{q}+\sqrt{r}=s \in \mathbb{Q}$. Prove that $p, q, r$ are perfect squares.

证明 .

Let $s=\sqrt{p}+\sqrt{q}+\sqrt{r}$.

Squaring both sides, we get:


Since $s$ is rational, $s^2$ is also rational. Thus, $\sqrt{pq}$, $\sqrt{qr}$, and $\sqrt{rp}$ must be rational.

Suppose, for contradiction, that $p$ is not a perfect square. Then, $\sqrt{p}$ is irrational, and $\sqrt{q}+\sqrt{r}=s-\sqrt{p}$ is also irrational.

But this implies that $\sqrt{pq}$ and $\sqrt{qr}$ are irrational, which contradicts the fact that they are rational. Thus, $p$ must be a perfect square.

Similarly, we can show that $q$ and $r$ are also perfect squares. Thus, $p$, $q$, and $r$ are all perfect squares, as required.

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