液体和等离子体|PHYS3202 Fluids and Plasma代写


“Fluids and Plasmas” is an applied physics course designed to give the students experience in working with, predicting and measuring the behaviour of fluid flows and plasmas. The course begins with an outline of the fluid equations of motion, which lead to solutions for waves in fluids, convection and buoyancy-driven flows. 


液体和等离子体|PHYS3202 Fluids and Plasma代写

问题 1.

Here we consider some special cases of $(100)$ obtained by specializing $a, b, c$, and $d$ in $H$ of (77). Our choices for these four functions will determine the structure of the first integrals $x_{0}$ and $y_{0}$ through (99). For the cases we consider, their structure will be easy to discern and will give some insight into the behavior of $\xi$. How $\mathbf{B}_{p}$ will propagate in each case is pointed out to make the discussion more physically concrete. To conclude, a physical interpretation for the terms of $H$ and the role they play in determining how solutions propagate are discussed as well.

证明 .

The first case we consider is a rather drastic simplification of the general result (99): we take $a, b, c$, and $d$ all to be zero, getting rid of Hentirely. Then we are simply left with
x_{0}=x \quad \text { and } \quad y_{0}=y .
Thus, in this case, the general solution for $\xi$ is of the form
\xi=\xi(x, y, z-\gamma \tau),
which corresponds to a structure propagating toroidally with specd $\gamma$.

\psi=(1 / \gamma)\left(\xi-\alpha \nabla_{1}^{2} \xi\right)(x, y, z,-\gamma \tau) .
The arguments in parentheses stress that $\psi$ moves in exactly the same way as $\xi$ : surfaces of constant poloidal flux simply propagate in the $z$ direction with constant velocity $\gamma$. Applying $\mathbf{B}{p}=-\epsilon B{T} \hat{\mathbf{z}} \times \nabla_{1} \psi$ to (105) shows that the disturbance $\mathbf{B}{p}$ also propagates in the same way: if we follow a point moving along a characteristic curve, $\mathbf{B}{p}$ at the point will be a constant vector. However, from $(105)$ and the arguments given at the end of Sec. III F, the solution is not necessarily an Alfvén-like wave because, in general, $\mathbf{B}{p}$ will not be proportional to $\mathbf{v}{t}$ for this case.

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Having introduced the fluid equations, we next discuss a method for arriving at exact solutions of them.

We denote the partial derivative of a quantity by a subscript, e.g., $\partial U / \partial \tau \equiv U_{\tau}$. Then, after rearranging the terms of $(9)$ and $(10)$ and subtracting (14) from (9), we can write
&U_{r}+[\phi, U]+J_{z}+[J, \psi]=0, \
&\psi_{r}+(\phi-\alpha \chi){z}+[\phi-\alpha \chi, \psi]=0, \end{aligned} $$ This is the nonlinear system we will study. Note that we are taking $\hat{\eta}=0$ in (16); the resistivity of the plasma is neglected for all that follows. To satisfy (17) we take $$ \chi=g(z)+U, $$ where $g$ is an arbitrary function of $z$. This is by no means the general solution to (17); it is simply a special case that satisfies (17) with little effort. Defining $$ \begin{aligned} &\xi \xi \phi-\alpha g(z), \ &\text { and recasting (15) and (16) in terms of } \xi \text { gives } \ &\qquad U{+}+[\xi, U]+J_{z}+[J, \psi]=0 \
&\text { and } \
&\qquad \psi_{\tau}+(\xi-\alpha U){z}+[\xi-\alpha U, \psi]=0, \end{aligned} $$ where (18) has been used. We note in passing that from (19) and (6), the definition of $U$, we have $$ U=\nabla{1}^{2} \xi,
a relation that will be used often in what follows.
Now we have to find solutions to (20) and (21). Let us first consider the simpler case of axisymmetric equilibrium.