微观经济理论作业代写Microeconomic Theory代考

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代写微观经济理论作业代写Microeconomic Theory



消费者需求理论Theory of Consumer Demand代写


生产理论的投入价值Theory of Production Input Value代写



  • Production Theory生产理论
  • Theory of Opportunity Cost机会成本理论
  • Law of Demand and Supply 需求和供应法则



微观经济理论与公共政策作业代写Microeconomic Theory and Public Policy代考
Microeconomics uses various principles, such as the Law of Supply and Demand and the Theory of Consumer Demand, to predict the behavior of individuals and companies in situations involving financial or economic transactions.



A small bit of mathematics can make this shutdown criterion more useful. If $T R$ stands for total revenue, and $V C$ stands for variable costs, then the firm’s decision can be written as
Shut down if $T R<V C$.
The firm shuts down if total revenue is less than variable cost. By dividing both sides of this inequality by the quantity $Q$, we can write it as
Shut down if $T R / Q<V C / Q$.
Notice that this can be further simplified. $T R / Q$ is total revenue divided by quantity, which is average revenue. As we discussed previously, average revenue for any firm is simply the good’s price $P$. Similarly, $V C / Q$ is average variable cost $A V C$. Therefore, the firm’s shutdown criterion is
Shut down if $P<A V C$.


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