微观经济学原理 Principles of microeconomics  ECON121



经济思想的发展 Development of economic thought  ECON128

  • $\theta=\lim {n \rightarrow \infty} \bar{y}{n}$ must exist, and the marginal distribution (given $\theta$ ) for each of the $y_{i}$ must be $p\left(y_{i} \mid \theta\right)=$ Bernoulli $(\theta)=\theta^{y_{i}}(1-\theta)^{1-y_{i}}$;
  • $H(t)=\lim {n \rightarrow \infty} P\left(y{n} \leq t\right)$, the limiting cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the $\bar{y}{n}$ values, must also exist for all $t$ and must be a valid CDF, where $P$ is Your joint probability distribution on $\left(y{1}, y_{2}, \ldots\right)$; and
  • Your predictive distribution for the first $n$ observations can be expressed as
    p\left(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{n}\right)=\int_{0}^{1} \prod_{i=1}^{n} \theta^{\gamma_{i}}(1-\theta)^{1-y_{i}} d H(\theta) .
    When (as will essentially always be the case in realistic applications) Your joint distribution $P$ is sufficiently regular that $H$ possesses a density (with respect to Lebesgue measure), $d H(\theta)=p(\theta) d \theta,(1)$ can be written in a more accessible way as
    p\left(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{n}\right)=\int_{0}^{1} \theta^{s_{n}}(1-\theta)^{n-s_{n}} p(\theta) d \theta

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The random effects model implies a homoskedastic variance var $\left(u_{i t}\right)=\sigma_{\mu}^{2}+\sigma_{\mathrm{v}}^{2}$ for all $i$ and $t$, and an equi-correlated block-diagonal covariance matrix which exhibits serial correlation over time only between the disturbances of the same individual. In fact,
\operatorname{cov}\left(u_{i t}, u_{j s}\right) &=\sigma_{\mu}^{2}+\sigma_{v}^{2} & \text { for } & i=j, t=s \
&=\sigma_{\mu}^{2} & & \text { for } i=j, t \neq s
and zero otherwise. This also means that the correlation coefficient between $u_{i t}$ and $u_{j s}$ is
\rho &=\operatorname{correl}\left(u_{i t}, u_{j s}\right)=1 & & \text { for } i=j, t=s \
&=\sigma_{\mu}^{2} /\left(\sigma_{\mu}^{2}+\sigma_{\mathrm{v}}^{2}\right) & & \text { for } i=j, t \neq s

微观经济学原理作业代写Principles of Microeconomics代考


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代写微观经济学原理作业代写Principles of Microeconomics

《微观经济学原理》是对教科书《微观经济学》的改编。D. Curtis和I. Irvine编写的《市场、方法和模型》,该书在加拿大和全球环境中提供了简明而完整的微观经济理论、应用和政策介绍。


国际贸易International trade代写


国际金融International finance代写



  • Global Economy全球经济
  • International political economy国际政治经济
  • International relations 国际关系学



微观经济学原理作业代写Principles of Microeconomics代考
This course begins with an introduction to supply and demand and the basic forces that determine an equilibrium in a market economy. Next, it introduces a framework for learning about consumer behavior and analyzing consumer decisions. We then turn our attention to firms and their decisions about optimal production, and the impact of different market structures on firms’ behavior.



When studying changes in supply or demand in a market, one variable we often want to study is total revenue, the amount paid by buyers and received by sellers of the good. In any market, total revenue is $P \times Q$, the price of the good times the quantity of the good sold. We can show total revenue graphically, as in Figure 5-2. The height of the box under the demand curve is $P$, and the width is $Q$. The area of this box, $P \times Q$, equals the total revenue in this market. In Figure $5-2$, where $P=\$ 4$ and $Q=100$, total revenue is $\$ 4 \times 100$, or $\$ 400$.



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