密码学 Cryptography COMP3077



密码学 Cryptography COMP3077

\text { Alice } & & \text { Bob } \
a & \stackrel{[a] G}{\longrightarrow} & {[a] G} \
{[b] G} & \stackrel{[b] G}{\longleftrightarrow} & b
Alice can now compute
K_{A}=[a]([b] G)=[a b] G
and Bob can now compute
K_{B}=[b]([a] G)=[a b] G .

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INPUT: Message $m$ and public key $Y$.
OUTPUT: The ciphertext $(U, c, r)$.

  1. Choose $k \in_{R}{1, \ldots, q-1}$.
  2. $U \leftarrow[k] G$.
  3. $T \leftarrow[k] Y$.
  4. $\left(k_{1} | k_{2}\right) \leftarrow K D(T, l)$.
  5. Encrypt the message, $c \leftarrow E_{k_{1}}(m)$.
  6. Compute the MAC on the ciphertext, $r \leftarrow M A C_{k_{2}}(c)$.
  7. Dutput $(U, c, r)$.

可算性 Computability COMP3001



分布式系统 Distributed Systems COMP2014

(local variables)
array of int $S E Q N O[1 . . n] \longleftarrow \overline{0}$
set of int Neighbors $\longleftarrow$ set of neighbors
(message types)
(1) To send a message $M$ :
(1a) if $i=$ root then
(1b) $S E Q N O[i] \longleftarrow S E Q N O[i]+1$;
(1c) send $\operatorname{UPDATE}(M, i, S E Q N O[i])$ to each $j \in N$ eighbors.
(2) When UPDATE $\left(M, j\right.$, seqno ${ }{j}$ ) arrives from $k$ : (2a) if $S E Q N O[j]<\operatorname{seqno}{j}$ then
(2b) Process the message $M$;
(2c) $S E Q N O[j] \longleftarrow$ seqno $_{j}$;
(2d) send UPDATE $\left(M, j\right.$, seqno $\left._{j}\right)$ to $N$ eighbors $/{k}$
(2e) else discard the message.

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  1. if leader $=i$ then
    broadcast SEARCH_MWOE $($ leader $)$ along marked edges of tree (Sect. 5.5.5).
  2. On receiving a SEARCH_MWOE(leader) message that was broadcast on marked edges:
    (a) Each process $i$ (including leader) sends an EXAMINE message along unmarked (i.e., non-tree) edges to determine if the other end of the edge is in the same component (i.e., whether its leader is the same).
    (b) From among all incident edges at $i$, for which the other end belongs to a different component, process $i$ picks its incident MWOE(localID,remoteID).
  3. The leaf nodes in the MST within the component initiate the convergecast (Sect. 5.5.5) using REPLY_MWOEs, informing their parent of their MWOE(localID,remoteID). All the nodes participate in this convergecast.

分布式系统 Distributed Systems COMP2014



分布式系统 Distributed Systems COMP2014

(local variables)
array of int $S E Q N O[1 . . n] \longleftarrow \overline{0}$
set of int Neighbors $\longleftarrow$ set of neighbors
(message types)
(1) To send a message $M$ :
(1a) if $i=$ root then
(1b) $S E Q N O[i] \longleftarrow S E Q N O[i]+1$;
(1c) send $\operatorname{UPDATE}(M, i, S E Q N O[i])$ to each $j \in N$ eighbors.
(2) When UPDATE $\left(M, j\right.$, seqno ${ }{j}$ ) arrives from $k$ : (2a) if $S E Q N O[j]<\operatorname{seqno}{j}$ then
(2b) Process the message $M$;
(2c) $S E Q N O[j] \longleftarrow$ seqno $_{j}$;
(2d) send UPDATE $\left(M, j\right.$, seqno $\left._{j}\right)$ to $N$ eighbors $/{k}$
(2e) else discard the message.

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  1. if leader $=i$ then
    broadcast SEARCH_MWOE $($ leader $)$ along marked edges of tree (Sect. 5.5.5).
  2. On receiving a SEARCH_MWOE(leader) message that was broadcast on marked edges:
    (a) Each process $i$ (including leader) sends an EXAMINE message along unmarked (i.e., non-tree) edges to determine if the other end of the edge is in the same component (i.e., whether its leader is the same).
    (b) From among all incident edges at $i$, for which the other end belongs to a different component, process $i$ picks its incident MWOE(localID,remoteID).
  3. The leaf nodes in the MST within the component initiate the convergecast (Sect. 5.5.5) using REPLY_MWOEs, informing their parent of their MWOE(localID,remoteID). All the nodes participate in this convergecast.

语言和计算 Languages and Computation COMP2012



语言和计算 Languages and Computation COMP2012

Let the value of $A$ be $x$.
\left.n=2, \frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{4}-x>0 \quad \text { (Assume } \quad x<\frac{7}{12}\right) $$ Inductive Hypothesis: $$ \text { For } n=k, \frac{1}{k+1}+\frac{1}{k+2}+\cdots+\frac{1}{2 k}-x>0
Inductive Step:
\text { For } n=k+1, \frac{1}{k+2}+\frac{1}{k+3}+\cdots+\frac{1}{2(k+1)}-x \
=\left[\frac{1}{k+1}+\frac{1}{k+2}+\cdots+\frac{1}{2 k}\right]+\frac{1}{2 k+1}+\frac{1}{2 k+2}-\frac{1}{k+1}-x \
\text { (Adding and substracting } \left.\frac{1}{k+1}\right)

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Let $P(n)=1^{2}+2^{2}+\cdots n^{2}=\frac{n(n+1)(2 n+1)}{6}$
Basis: For $n=1, P(1)=1^{2}=1$ (on calculating LHS)
R H S=P(1)=\frac{1(1+1)(2+1)}{6}=\frac{(1)(2)(3)}{6}=1
Therefore $P(1)$ is true.
Inductive Hypothesis:
P(K)=1^{2}+2^{2}+\cdots k^{2}=\frac{k(k+1)(2 k+1)}{6} \text { is true. }
Inductive Step: We claim that
P(K+1)=1^{2}+2^{2}+\cdots+(k+1)^{2}=\frac{(k+1)(k+2)(2 k+3)}{6} \text { is true. }

算法的正确性和有效性 Algorithms Correct&Efficiency COMP2009



算法的正确性和有效性 Algorithms Correct&Efficiency COMP2009

SmartPtr<something $>$ spl, sp2;
Something* $\mathrm{p}$;
if (spl) // Test 1: direct test for non-nul1 pointer
if (spl) // Test $1:$ direct test for non-null pointer if $($ !sp1) // Test $2:$ direct test for null pointer
if $(! \operatorname{sp} 1) \quad / /$ Test $2:$ direct test for null pointer $\cdots \cdot$ if $(\operatorname{sp} 1=0) \quad / /$ Test 3 : explicit test for null pointer
if $(\mathrm{sp} 1==\mathrm{sp} 2) / /$ Test 4 : comparison of two smart pointers
if $(\operatorname{sp} 1==p) \quad / /$ Test 5 : comparison with a raw pointer
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$\mathrm{~ t e m p l a t e ~ 〈 c l a s s ~ T}$
class SmartPtr
bool operator! () const // Enables "if (!sp) ..."
return pointee_ $==0$;
inline friend bool operator==(const SmartPtr\& lhs,
const $T^{*}$ rhs)
return lhs.pointee_ $==$ rhs;
inline friend bool operator==(const $T^{*}$ lhs,
const SmartPtr\& rhs)
return lhs $==$ rhs pointee_;
inline friend bool operator!=(const SmartPtr\& lhs,
const $T^{*} r h s$ )
return lhs.pointee_ I= rhs;
inline friend bool operator!=(const $T^{*}$ lhs,
const SmartPtr\& rhs)

c+程序 C++ Programming COMP2006



c+程序 C++ Programming COMP2006

class TypeInfo
$/ /$ Constructors/destructors
TypeInfo(); // needed for containers
TypeInfo(const std: type_info\&);
TypeInfo (const TypeInfo\&);
TypeInfo\& operator=(const TypeInfo\&);
$/ /$ Compatibility functions
bool before(const TypeInfo\&) const;
const char* name() const;
\} ;
const std: type_info* pInfo_;
/ Comparison operators
bool operator==(const TypeInfo\&, const TypeInfo\&);
bool operator!=(const TypeInfo\&, const TypeInfo\&);
bool operator< (const TypeInfos, const TypeInfos);
bool operatork=(const TypeInfo\&, const TypeInfo\&);
bool operator (const TypeInfo\&, const TypeInfo\&);
bool operator $>=($ const TypeInfo\&, const TypeInfo\&);
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class SmartPtr
$T^{*}$ operator->() \{ return pointee_; \}
class Foo
void ConstFun() const;
void NonConstFun ();
\} ;
SmartPtr<Foo $>$ sp;
sp->ConstFun(); // invokes operator->, then ConstFun
sp->NonConstFun (); // invokes operator $\rightarrow$, then NonConstFun

计算机科学的数学 Maths for Comp Scientists COMP1043



计算机科学的数学 Maths for Comp Scientists COMP1043

Let $U$ be any set fixed as a local universe. For each subset $A \subseteq U$ we can define a function $f_{A}: U \rightarrow{1,0}$ by putting $f_{A}(u)=1$ when $u \in A$ and $f_{A}(u)=0$ when $u \notin A$. This is known as the characteristic function of $A$ (modulo the universe $U$ ). Thus the characteristic function $f_{A}$ specifies the truth-value of the statement that $u \in A$.

Conversely, when $f: U \rightarrow{1.0}$, we can define the associated subset of $U$ by putting $A_{f}={u \in U: f(a)=1}$.

Clearly, there is a bijection between the subsets of $U$ and the functions $f: U \rightarrow$ ${1.0}$, and in fact we can make either do the work of the other. In some contexts, it is notationally more convenient to work with characteristic functions rather than subsets.

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Other ways of writing recursive definitions are also current among computer scientists. In particular, one can think of the basis and induction step as being limiting and principle cases respectively, writing in our example:
If $n=1$ then $f(n)=1$
If $n>1$ then $f(n)=f(n-1)+n$.
This can also be expressed in the popular if-then-else form:
If $n=1$ then $f(n)=1$
Else $f(n)=f(n-1)+n$
And some computer scientists like to abbreviate this further to the ungrammatical declaration:
f(n)=\text { if } n=1 \text { then } 1 \text { else } f(n-1)+n
which can look like mumbo-jumbo to the uninitiated.

编程范式 Programming Paradigms COMP1009



数据库和接口 Databases & Interfaces COMP1004

procedure PassResult(terminate: integer;
inp1, inp2, out2: channel; var done boolean);
var $y$ :ResultTypes;
passing : boolean;
done: =false;
passing : =true;
count: =0 ;
while not done and (count<terminate) do
inpl?result(y) $\rightarrow$
if passing then begin
out2 ! result (y) ;
passing: = false
end $\mid$
inp2?result $(y) \rightarrow$
if passing then begin
out2 ! result ( $y)$;
passing: false
and $\mid$
inpl?complete $\rightarrow$
count: $=$ coun $t+1$;
if count=terminate then out 2 ! complete |
inp2?complete $\rightarrow$
count: =count $+1$;
If count werminate then out 2 ! complete |
inpl ?eos $\rightarrow$ done: = true
end ;

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If $r$ and $s$ are odd primes, then prime $p$ satisfies
p \equiv 1(\bmod r) \equiv s-1(\bmod s)
if $p$ is of the form
p=u(r, s)+k r s
u(r, s)=\left(s^{r-1}-r^{x-1}\right) \bmod r s
and $k$ is an integer.

数据库和接口 Databases & Interfaces COMP1004



数据库和接口 Databases & Interfaces COMP1004

create or replace
procedure formpassword as
htp. htmlopen;
htp. headOpen;
htp.title('Oracle Webserver formPassword')
htp. header(1, 'Oracle WebServer htp. formPassword Examples' $)$;
htp. headClose;
htp. bodyopen;
htp. formopen (owa util. get owa service_path || ' formpassword');
htp.print('ENTER Userid: ');
htp. formText('Userid', 10,50);
htp.print('ENTER Password: ') ;
htp. formPassword ('Password', 10, 50);
htp. formClose;
htp. htmlClose;
show errors

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$\langle$ HTML $\rangle$
$\langle$ TTLE>Oracle Webserver formSelectopen</TITLE>
$\langle\mathrm{H} l$ Oracle Webserver htp. formselectOpen Examples $\langle/ \mathrm{H} 1\rangle$
$</ \mathrm{HEAD}>$
$\langle$ LORM ACTION="/Ows-bin/owa/test" METHOD="POST" $\rangle$
Choose the Server Site:<SELECT NAME="input_var_name:">
$\angle O P T I O N>B u f f a 10$
$\langle O P T I O N>$ Rochester
$\angle$ UPTION $>$ Syracuse
$\langle/$ SELECT $\rangle$
$</ \mathrm{FORM}\rangle$
$</ \mathrm{BODY}\rangle$
$</$ HTML $\rangle$

统计方法 Statistical Methods PSGY1004



统计方法 Statistical Methods PSGY1004

The probability of an event for the ith individual can be written as a joint probability of $y_{i t}$.
\operatorname{Pr}\left(y_{i 1}, \ldots, y_{i T}\right)=\int_{a_{i 1}}^{b_{i 1}} \ldots \int_{a_{i T}}^{b_{i T}} \phi\left(\varepsilon_{i 1}, \ldots, \varepsilon_{i T}\right) d \varepsilon_{i T} \ldots d \varepsilon_{i 1}
where $a_{i t}=-\mathbf{x}{i t}^{\prime} \boldsymbol{\beta}, b{i t}=+\infty$ if $y_{i t}=1$, and $a_{i t}=-\infty, b_{i t}=-\mathbf{x}{i t}^{\prime} \beta$ if $y{i t}=0$, and $\phi(\cdot)$ is the standard $T$-variate normal density function. Conditioning on the permanent component, $v_{i}$, this expression can be written as
\int_{a_{i 1}}^{b_{i 1}} \ldots \int_{a_{i T}}^{b_{i T}} \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \phi\left(u_{i 1}, \ldots, u_{i T} \mid v_{i}\right) \phi\left(v_{i}\right) d v_{i} d u_{i 1} \ldots d u_{i T}
Because the transitory components are independent conditional on $v_{i}$, this expression can be simplified. In terms of model quantities, can be written as
\operatorname{Pr}\left(y_{i 1}, \ldots, y_{i T}\right)=\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \prod_{t=1}^{T} \Phi\left(\mathbf{x}{i t}^{\prime} \beta \mid v{i}\right)^{y_{i t}} \Phi\left(-\mathbf{x}{i t}^{\prime} \beta \mid v{i}\right)^{1-y_{i t}} \phi\left(v_{i}\right) d v_{i},

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Since we estimate $J-1$ coefficients for any explanatory variable we still have not utilized the ordinal information in the dependent variable. If we further assume that the dependent variable can be scaled into an interval variable, $y_{j}$, model $6.8$ can be further simplified to
\log \left(\frac{p_{j}}{p_{j-1}}\right)=\alpha_{j}+\beta\left(y_{j}-y_{j-1}\right) x_{i}, \quad i=1, \ldots, I, \quad j=2, \ldots, J
As a special case, if integer scoring is applied to both $y$ and $x$, is reduced to
\log \left(\frac{p_{j}}{p_{j-1}}\right)=\alpha_{j}+\beta i, \quad i=1, \ldots, I ; \quad j=2, \ldots, J