进阶国际贸易 Adv International Trade ECON3016



进阶国际贸易 Adv International Trade ECON3016

values of $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ in both countries once the appropriate substitutions are made. Setting $e=\phi e_{0}$ and $b=\phi b_{0}$ in both equations yields:
X_{1}(\phi)=\frac{\frac{r}{\phi}+b_{0}+e_{0}}{2 e_{0} P} \quad X_{2}(\phi)=\frac{e_{0}}{b_{0}+e_{0}}\left[L-{X,(\phi)}^{2}\right]
Thus, $X_{1}$ is decreasing in $\phi$ and $X_{2}$ is increasing in $\phi$. It follows that the country with higher turnover has a relative supply curve which is further to the right than its counterpart’s. As a result, the autarkic price of the search-sector good is lower in the country with the higher turnover.

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\left(\hat{x}{1}-\hat{x}{2}\right)={1 /|\lambda|}(\hat{L}-\hat{K})
An increase in the relative endowment of labor compared with capital raises by a magnified amount the relative output of the first commodity. In more detail, if the endowment of labor increases relative to that of capital, with commodity prices constant,
The Rybczynski result refers to the fall in $x_{2}$ ‘s output if $\hat{K}$ is assumed to be zero.