代数|MATH0006 Algebra 2代写2023


Assignment-daixieTM为您提供伦敦大学学院 London’s Global University MATH0006 Algebra 2代数代写代考辅导服务!


  1. Check the syllabus: Make sure the book covers the topics that will be taught in the course. Look at the table of contents or the index to see if the book covers the topics you need.
  2. Consider your level of experience: Choose a book that matches your level of expertise in the subject. If you are new to the subject, choose a book that is more elementary and easy to understand. If you are more experienced, you may want a book that is more advanced and covers more material.
  3. Read reviews: Look for reviews of the book online or ask your classmates and professor for recommendations. Reviews can help you get a sense of how clear and helpful the book is.
  4. Consider your learning style: Everyone learns differently, so choose a book that matches your learning style. Some books have lots of examples and exercises, while others have more theory and proofs.
  5. Check the price: Textbooks can be expensive, so make sure you are comfortable with the price of the book you choose. You may want to consider buying a used copy or renting the book to save money.
代数|MATH0006 Algebra 2代写2023

问题 1.

Let $G$ be a group and let $H$ be a subgroup. Prove that the following are equivalent. (1) $H$ is normal in $G$.

证明 .

$(1) \Rightarrow (2)$: Assume that $H$ is a normal subgroup of $G$. We need to show that for every $g \in G, g H g^{-1}=H$. Let $g\in G$ and $h \in H$ be arbitrary. Since $H$ is normal in $G$, we have $ghg^{-1}\in H$. Hence, $gHg^{-1} \subseteq H$. To show the other inclusion, let $x\in H$. Then $g^{-1}xg \in H$ since $H$ is normal, and so $x=gg^{-1}xgg^{-1}=g(g^{-1}xg)g^{-1}\in gHg^{-1}$. Therefore, we have $H\subseteq gHg^{-1}$, which implies that $gHg^{-1}=H$.

问题 2.

(2) For every $g \in G, g H g^{-1}=H$.

证明 .

$(2) \Rightarrow (3)$: Assume that for every $g\in G, g H g^{-1}=H$. We need to show that for every $a \in G, a H=H a$. Let $a \in G$ be arbitrary. We want to show that $aH\subseteq Ha$. Let $h\in H$ be arbitrary. Then, we have $ah=g(g^{-1}ag)h(g^{-1}ag)^{-1}\in gHg^{-1}=H$, where we use that $g^{-1}ag$ is just some element of $G$ that we can conjugate with. Therefore, $ah\in Ha$ for all $h \in H$, which implies that $aH \subseteq Ha$. By a similar argument, we can show that $Ha \subseteq aH$, and so we have $aH=Ha$.


(3) For every $a \in G, a H=H a$.



$(3) \Rightarrow (1)$: Assume that for every $a \in G, a H=H a$. We need to show that $H$ is normal in $G$. Let $g\in G$ and $h\in H$ be arbitrary. We want to show that $ghg^{-1}\in H$. To do this, note that $g^{-1}hg \in H$ since $H$ is closed under conjugation by elements of $G$. Therefore, $ghg^{-1}=g(g^{-1}hg)g^{-1} \in gHg^{-1}$, and so $H$ is normal in $G$.

这是一份2023年的伦敦大学学院 MATH0006 Algebra 2代数代写的成功案例

代数|MATH0005 Algebra 1代写2023


Assignment-daixieTM为您提供伦敦大学学院 London’s Global University MATH0005 Algebra 1代数代写代考辅导服务!


Linear equations are fundamental to many areas of mathematics, science, and engineering, so it’s important to have a strong understanding of them. And it’s great that the course also covers other important topics in modern mathematics, such as logic, set theory, and functions.

By studying these topics in depth, students can develop important problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities that will serve them well in future courses and in their careers. Additionally, understanding these foundational concepts will allow students to approach more advanced topics with greater ease and confidence.

Overall, it sounds like MATH0005 is an excellent course for anyone looking to build a strong foundation in modern mathematics.

代数|MATH0005 Algebra 1代写2023

问题 1.

(i) Exhibit a proper normal subgroup $V$ of $A_4$. To which group is $V$ isomorphic to?

证明 .

(i) The subgroup $V = {(), (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (1,4)(2,3)}$ is a proper normal subgroup of $A_4$. To see this, note that $V$ is a subgroup of $A_4$ since it is closed under multiplication and inverses. Moreover, it is normal since it is the kernel of the sign homomorphism from $A_4$ to $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$, which maps even permutations to $0$ and odd permutations to $1$. To see that $V$ is proper, note that it has index $2$ in $A_4$ since $A_4$ has order $12$ and $V$ has order $4$, so $A_4/V$ has order $2$. But there is no subgroup of order $2$ in $A_4$.

The group $V$ is isomorphic to the Klein four-group $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$.

问题 2.

(ii) Give the left cosets of $V$ inside $A_4$.

证明 .

(ii) The left cosets of $V$ inside $A_4$ are $V$ and $\tau V$, where $\tau$ is any transposition not in $V$. For example, if we take $\tau = (1,2)$, then we have



$\tau V={(12),(12)(34)(12),(13)(24)(12),(14)(23)(12)}$


(iii) To which group is $A_4 / V$ isomorphic to?



(iii) The group $A_4/V$ is isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$, the cyclic group of order $2$. To see this, note that $A_4/V$ has order $2$, so it is either isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$ or to the trivial group ${1}$. But if $A_4/V \cong {1}$, then $A_4 = V$, which is false. Therefore, $A_4/V \cong \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$.

这是一份2023年的伦敦大学学院 MATH0005 Algebra 1代写的成功案例

代数代写 Algebra II|MATH 8807 Boston College Assignment


Assignment-daixieTM为您提供波士顿学院Boston College MATH 8807 Algebra II 代数学代写代考辅导服务!


Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols. In algebra, letters and symbols are used to represent unknown quantities, and mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation are used to solve equations and find solutions to problems.

Algebra is used extensively in many areas of mathematics, science, engineering, and economics, among other fields. It is essential in solving problems related to geometry, calculus, and statistics, and is also used in everyday life, such as calculating mortgage payments or determining the best price for a product.

Algebraic expressions can take many forms, such as linear equations, quadratic equations, polynomial equations, and systems of equations. These expressions can be solved using various methods, including factoring, completing the square, and the quadratic formula.

Some fundamental concepts in algebra include variables, coefficients, constants, and equations. Variables are letters or symbols that represent unknown quantities, while coefficients are numbers that multiply the variables in an equation. Constants are fixed numbers, and equations are mathematical expressions that use an equal sign to show that two expressions are equal.

代数代写 Algebra II|MATH 8807 Boston College Assignment

问题 1.

Consider the random walk of a man on the integer line $\mathbb{Z}$ such that, at each step, that the probability to go from position $i$ to position $i+1$ is $p$, and the probability to go from $i$ to $i-1$ is $1-p$. The man “falls off the cliff” if he reaches the position 0. Suppose that the man starts at the initial position $i_0 \geq 1$. Find the probability that he falls off the cliff.

证明 .

Let $P_i$ be the probability that the man falls off the cliff starting from position $i$. We want to find $P_{i_0}$ given that $i_0 \geq 1$. Note that $P_0 = 1$ since the man has already fallen off the cliff when he starts at position $0$. Also note that $P_i = 0$ for all $i \leq 0$ since the man has already fallen off the cliff.

We can now set up a recurrence relation for $P_i$. If the man is currently at position $i$, then he has two options for his next step: he can either move to position $i+1$ with probability $p$, or he can move to position $i-1$ with probability $1-p$. Thus, we have

$$P_i = p P_{i+1} + (1-p) P_{i-1}$$

for all $i \geq 1$. This is a second-order linear recurrence relation with constant coefficients. We can solve it using the characteristic equation:

$$r^2 – (1-p)r – p = 0.$$

The roots of this equation are

$$r_1 = \frac{1-p + \sqrt{(1-p)^2 + 4p}}{2} \quad \text{and} \quad r_2 = \frac{1-p – \sqrt{(1-p)^2 + 4p}}{2}.$$

Note that $r_1 > 1$ and $r_2 < 0$. Therefore, the general solution to the recurrence relation is

$$P_i = A r_1^i + B r_2^i$$

for some constants $A$ and $B$. We can find $A$ and $B$ by using the boundary conditions $P_0 = 1$ and $P_i = 0$ for all $i \leq 0$. This gives us the system of equations

\begin{align*} A + B &= 1, \ Ar_1^i + Br_2^i &= 0 \quad \text{for all } i \leq 0. \end{align*}

Solving for $A$ and $B$, we get

$$A = \frac{r_2}{r_2 – r_1} \quad \text{and} \quad B = -\frac{r_1}{r_2 – r_1}.$$

Therefore, the probability that the man falls off the cliff starting from position $i_0 \geq 1$ is

$$P_{i_0} = \frac{r_2^{i_0}}{r_2^{i_0} – r_1^{i_0}}.$$

Note that this expression makes sense since $r_1 > 1$ and $r_2 < 0$, so $r_1^{i_0}$ grows exponentially while $r_2^{i_0}$ decays exponentially as $i_0$ gets large. This means that $P_{i_0}$ approaches 1 as $i_0$ increases, which makes sense since the man is more likely to fall off the cliff the further he is from it.

问题 2.

For $1 \leq k \leq n / 2$, find a bijection $f$ between $k$-element subsets of $\{1, \ldots, n\}$ and $(n-k)$-element subsets of $\{1, \ldots, n\}$ such that $f(I) \supseteq I$, for any $k$-element subset $I$.

证明 .

Let $S$ be a set of size $n$ and let $k$ be an integer such that $1 \leq k \leq n/2$. We will define a bijection $f$ between the set of $k$-element subsets of $S$ and the set of $(n-k)$-element subsets of $S$ that satisfies the given property.

Let $I$ be a $k$-element subset of $S$. We will define $f(I)$ as follows: first, let $J = S \setminus I$ be the complement of $I$ in $S$. Since $|I| = k$, we have $|J| = n-k$. Next, let $T$ be the $k$-element subset of $J$ that contains the $k$ smallest elements of $J$ (with respect to some fixed total ordering of $S$). Note that $T$ is well-defined since $|J| = n-k \geq k$.

Finally, we define $f(I) = T \cup I$. We claim that $f(I)$ is an $(n-k)$-element subset of $S$, and that $f$ is a bijection between the set of $k$-element subsets of $S$ and the set of $(n-k)$-element subsets of $S$.

To see that $f(I)$ is an $(n-k)$-element subset of $S$, note that $|f(I)| = |T \cup I| = |T| + |I| – |T \cap I|$, and $|T| = k$, $|I| = k$, and $|T \cap I| = 0$ (since $T$ and $I$ are disjoint). Therefore, $|f(I)| = 2k \leq 2(n/2) = n$, so $f(I)$ is a subset of $S$ with at most $n$ elements. Moreover, $|f(I)| = n-k$ since $|T| = k$ and $|J| = n-k$, so $f(I)$ is indeed an $(n-k)$-element subset of $S$.

To see that $f$ is a bijection, we will define its inverse. Let $A$ be an $(n-k)$-element subset of $S$, and let $J = S \setminus A$. Since $|A| = n-k$, we have $|J| = k$. Let $T$ be the $k$-element subset of $J$ that contains the $k$ smallest elements of $J$ (with respect to the same fixed total ordering of $S$ as before). Note that $T$ is well-defined since $|J| = k \geq k$. Finally, we define $f^{-1}(A) = T \cup A$. We claim that $f

问题 3. Prove that the number of set-partitions $\pi$ of the set $[n]:=\{1, \ldots, n\}$ such that, for any $i=1, \ldots, n-1$, the consecutive numbers $i$ and $i+1$ do not belong to the same block of $\pi$ equals the number of set-partitions of the set $[n-1]$.

证明 .

To prove the given statement, let us first denote by $a_n$ the number of set-partitions of $[n]$ such that no consecutive numbers belong to the same block, and by $b_n$ the number of set-partitions of $[n-1]$.

Now, let us consider a set-partition $\pi$ of $[n]$ such that no consecutive numbers belong to the same block. We will show that we can obtain a set-partition $\pi’$ of $[n-1]$ in a one-to-one fashion by removing the element $n$ from $\pi$ and merging the block containing $n-1$ with the block containing $n$.

Formally, let $B_n$ be the block of $\pi$ containing $n$, and let $B_{n-1}$ be the block of $\pi$ containing $n-1$. Since $n$ and $n-1$ do not belong to the same block, we have $B_n \neq B_{n-1}$. We can define a new set-partition $\pi’$ of $[n-1]$ by setting $\pi'(i) = \pi(i)$ for $i=1,\ldots,n-2$, and by merging $B_n$ and $B_{n-1}$ into a single block in $\pi’$.

Conversely, given a set-partition $\pi’$ of $[n-1]$, we can obtain a set-partition $\pi$ of $[n]$ such that no consecutive numbers belong to the same block by adding the element $n$ to $\pi’$ as a new block. Formally, we can define a new set-partition $\pi$ of $[n]$ by setting $\pi(i) = \pi'(i)$ for $i=1,\ldots,n-1$, and by setting $\pi(n) = {n}$.

It is easy to see that these constructions are one-to-one, so the number of set-partitions of $[n]$ such that no consecutive numbers belong to the same block is equal to the number of set-partitions of $[n-1]$. Thus, we have $a_n = b_{n-1}$, as required.

这是一份2023年的波士顿学院Boston College MATH 8807代数代写的成功案例

代数代写 Algebra I |MATH 8806 Boston College Assignment


Assignment-daixieTM为您提供波士顿学院Boston College MATH 8806 Algebra I 代数学代写代考辅导服务!


Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols to solve equations and understand relationships between quantities. It involves the use of letters and symbols to represent unknown values, and the use of mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to solve equations and simplify expressions.

Algebra is important in many areas of mathematics, science, engineering, economics, and finance, as it provides a powerful tool for solving problems and understanding relationships between variables. Some of the key concepts in algebra include equations, inequalities, polynomials, functions, and matrices.

Algebraic techniques can be used to solve a wide range of problems, from simple arithmetic calculations to complex systems of equations and models of physical and economic phenomena. Algebra is also used extensively in computer science, cryptography, and other fields that require efficient methods for processing and manipulating large amounts of data.

代数代写 Algebra I |MATH 8806 Boston College Assignment

问题 1.

Let $G$ be a group and let $H$ be a subgroup. Prove that the following are equivalent.

(1) $H$ is normal in $G$.

(2) For every $g \in G, g H^{-1}=H$.

证明 .

$(1) \Rightarrow (2)$: If $H$ is normal in $G$, then for every $g \in G$ and $h \in H$, we have $ghg^{-1} \in H$. Thus, for any $g \in G$, we have $gHg^{-1} \subseteq H$. On the other hand, $Hg^{-1}g \subseteq g^{-1}Hg$, so $gH^{-1}=Hg^{-1}g \subseteq H$. Hence, $gH^{-1}=H$.

$(2) \Rightarrow (3)$: If $gH^{-1}=H$ for every $g \in G$, then for any $a \in G$ and $h \in H$, we have $ah=ag(g^{-1}h) \in aH$. Therefore, $aH \subseteq Ha$, and the reverse inclusion follows similarly. Thus, $aH=Ha$.

问题 2.

(3) For every $a \in G, a H=H a$.

(4) The set of left cosets is equal to the set of right cosets.

证明 .

$(3) \Rightarrow (4)$: If $aH=Ha$ for every $a \in G$, then the set of left cosets is ${aH \mid a \in G}$, and the set of right cosets is ${Ha \mid a \in G}$. For any $a,b \in G$, we have $aH=Ha$ and $bH=Hb$, so $aHb=abH=(Ha)b=H(ab)=Hba=bHa$. Hence, the sets of left and right cosets coincide.

$(4) \Rightarrow (1)$: If the set of left cosets is equal to the set of right cosets, then for any $g \in G$ and $h \in H$, there exists $a \in G$ such that $ah=g$. Thus, $g^{-1}ag \in H$ and $g^{-1}hg \in H$, so $ghg^{-1} \in H$ for any $g \in G$ and $h \in H$. Therefore, $H$ is normal in $G$.

问题 3. Let $G$ be a group and let $N$ be a normal subgroup. Prove that $G / N$ is abelian iff $N$ contains the commutator of every pair of elements of $G$.

证明 .

$(\Rightarrow)$ Assume that $G/N$ is abelian. Let $x,y\in G$ be arbitrary elements. Then we have $(xN)(yN)=(yN)(xN)$ in $G/N$, which means that $xyN=yxN$. Therefore, we have $xyx^{-1}y^{-1}\in N$. Since $x$ and $y$ were arbitrary, this means that $N$ contains the commutator $[x,y]=xyx^{-1}y^{-1}$ for every pair of elements $x,y\in G$.

$(\Leftarrow)$ Assume that $N$ contains the commutator of every pair of elements of $G$. Let $xN,yN$ be arbitrary elements of $G/N$. We need to show that $(xN)(yN)=(yN)(xN)$, i.e., $xyN=yxN$. Since $N$ is normal in $G$, we have $xNx^{-1}=N$ and $yNy^{-1}=N$. Therefore, we have

\begin{align*} xyN &= xNyN && \text{(since }yN=NyN\text{)} \ &= xNyNy^{-1} && \text{(since }y^{-1}Ny=N\text{)} \ &= xNNy^{-1} && \text{(since }N\text{ is normal)} \ &= xN[y^{-1},x]N && \text{(since }[y^{-1},x]\in N\text{)} \ &= y^{-1}xN[x,y]N && \text{(since }N\text{ is normal)} \ &= y^{-1}NxN[y,x] && \text{(since }[x,y]=[y^{-1},x]^{-1}\in N\text{)} \ &= yNy^{-1}xN && \text{(since }N\text{ is normal)} \ &= yN[x^{-1},y]N && \text{(since }[x^{-1},y]\in N\text{)} \ &= x^{-1}yN[x,y]N && \text{(since }N\text{ is normal)} \ &= x^{-1}NxN[y,x] && \text{(since }[x,y]=[x^{-1},y]^{-1}\in N\text{)} \ &= xNx^{-1}yN && \text{(since }N\text{ is normal)} \ &= yxN && \text{(since }xNx^{-1}=N\text{)} \ &= yNxN && \text{(since }xN=NxN\text{)} \ &= yN(xN) && \text{(since }N\text{ is normal)} \ &= yN(xN), \end{align*}

which shows that $G/N$ is abelian.

这是一份2023年的波士顿学院Boston College MATH 8806代数代写的成功案例

代数代写 Algebra|MATH 100 University of Washington Assignment


Assignment-daixieTM为您提供华盛顿大学University of WashingtonMATH 100 Algebra代数学代写代考辅导服务!


Algebra 1 is the second math course in high school and will guide you through among other things expressions, systems of equations, functions, real numbers, inequalities, exponents, polynomials, radical and rational expressions.

This Algebra 1 math course is divided into 12 chapters and each chapter is divided into several lessons. Under each lesson you will find theory, examples and video lessons.

Mathplanet hopes that you will enjoy studying Algebra 1 online with us!

代数代写 Algebra |MATH 100 University of Washington Assignment

问题 1.

Section 1.2. Problem 23: The figure shows that $\cos (\alpha)=v_1 /|v|$ and $\sin (\alpha)=$ $v_2 /|v|$. Similarly $\cos (\beta)$ ___is and $\sin (\beta)$ is __. The angle $\theta$ is $\beta-\alpha$. Substitute into the trigonometry formula $\cos (\alpha) \cos \overline{(\beta)+\sin }(\beta) \sin (\alpha)$ for $\cos (\beta-\alpha)$ to find $\cos (\theta)=v \cdot w /|v||w|$.

证明 .

First blank: $w_1 /|w|$. Second blank: $w_2 /|w|$. Substituting into the trigonometry formula yields
\cos (\beta-\alpha)=\left(w_1 /|w|\right)\left(v_1 /|v|\right)+\left(w_2 /|w|\right)\left(v_2 /|v|\right)=v \cdot w /|v||w| .

问题 2.

If $A=L D U$ and also $A=L_1 D_1 U_1$ with all factors invertible, then $L=L_1$ and $D=D_1$ and $U=U_1$. “The three factors are unique.”

Derive the equation $L_1^{-1} L D=D_1 U_1 U^{-1}$. Are the two sides triangular or diagonal? Deduce $L=L_1$ and $U=U_1$ (they all have diagonal 1’s). Then $D=D_1$.

证明 .

Notice that $L D U=L_1 D_1 U_1$. Multiply on the left by $L_1^{-1}$ and on the right by $U^{-1}$, getting
L_1^{-1} L D U U^{-1}=L_1^{-1} L_1 D_1 U_1 U^{-1} .
But $U U^{-1}=I$ and $L_1^{-1} L_1=I$. Thus $L_1^{-1} L D=D_1 U_1 U^{-1}$, as desired.
The left side $L_1^{-1} L D$ is lower triangular, and the right side $D_1 U_1 U^{-1}$ is upper triangular. But they’re equal. So they’re both diagonal. Hence $L_1^{-1} L$ and $U_1 U^{-1}$ are diagonal too. But they have diagonal 1’s. So they’re both equal to $I$. Thus $L=L_1$ and $U=U_1$. Also $L_1^{-1} L D=D_1 U_1 U^{-1}$. Thus $D=D_1$.

问题 3.

Suppose $\mathbf{S}$ and $\mathbf{T}$ are two subspaces of a vector space $\mathbf{V}$.
(a) Definition: The sum $\mathbf{S}+\mathbf{T}$ contains all sums $\mathbf{s}+\mathbf{t}$ of a vector $\mathbf{s}$ in $\mathbf{S}$ and a vector $\mathbf{t}$ in T. Show that $\mathbf{S}+\mathbf{T}$ satisfies the requirements (addition and scalar multiplication) for a vector space.
(b) If $\mathbf{S}$ and $\mathbf{T}$ are lines in $\mathbf{R}^m$, what is the difference between $\mathbf{S}+\mathbf{T}$ and $\mathbf{S} \cup \mathbf{T}$ ? That union contains all vectors from $\mathbf{S}$ and $\mathbf{T}$ or both. Explain this statement: The span of $\mathbf{S} \cup \mathbf{T}$ is $\mathbf{S}+\mathbf{T}$. (Section $3.5$ returns to this word “span.”)

证明 .

(a) Let $\mathbf{s}, \mathbf{s}^{\prime}$ be vectors in $\mathbf{S}$, let $\mathbf{t}, \mathbf{t}^{\prime}$ be vectors in $\mathbf{T}$, and let $c$ be a scalar. Then
(\mathbf{s}+\mathbf{t})+\left(\mathbf{s}^{\prime}+\mathbf{t}^{\prime}\right)=\left(\mathbf{s}+\mathbf{s}^{\prime}\right)+\left(\mathbf{t}+\mathbf{t}^{\prime}\right) \text { and } c(\mathbf{s}+\mathbf{t})=c \mathbf{s}+c \mathbf{t} .
Thus $\mathbf{S}+\mathbf{T}$ is closed under addition and scalar multiplication; in other words, it satisfies the two requirements for a vector space.
(b) If $\mathbf{S}$ and $\mathbf{T}$ are distinct lines, then $\mathbf{S}+\mathbf{T}$ is a plane, whereas $\mathbf{S} \cup \mathbf{T}$ is not even closed under addition. The span of $\mathbf{S} \cup \mathbf{T}$ is the set of all combinations of vectors in this union. In particular, it contains all sums $\mathbf{s}+\mathbf{t}$ of a vector $\mathbf{s}$ in $\mathbf{S}$ and a vector $\mathbf{t}$ in $\mathbf{T}$, and these sums form $\mathbf{S}+\mathbf{T}$. On the other hand, $\mathbf{S}+\mathbf{T}$ contains both $\mathbf{S}$ and $\mathbf{T}$; so it contains $\mathbf{S} \cup \mathbf{T}$. Further, $\mathbf{S}+\mathbf{T}$ is a vector space. So it contains all combinations of vectors in itself; in particular, it contains the span of $\mathbf{S} \cup \mathbf{T}$. Thus the span of $\mathbf{S} \cup \mathbf{T}$ is $\mathbf{S}+\mathbf{T}$.

这是一份2023年的华盛顿大学University of Washington MATH 100代数代写的成功案例