几何学/拓扑学代写 Geometry/Topology II|MATH 8809 Boston College Assignment


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Geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of shapes, sizes, positions, and properties of objects in space. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including points, lines, planes, angles, polygons, circles, spheres, and more.

Geometry has practical applications in many fields, including engineering, architecture, art, astronomy, physics, and even computer graphics. It plays an important role in understanding the relationships between objects in the physical world and is used to solve real-world problems.

The study of geometry involves using logic and reasoning to make deductions and proofs about the properties of shapes and objects. The principles of geometry have been studied and applied for thousands of years, and continue to be relevant today in a variety of fields.

几何学/拓扑学代写 Geometry/Topology II|MATH 8809 Boston College Assignment

问题 1.

Show that $S^4$ has no symplectic structure. Show that $S^2 \times S^4$ has no symplectic structure.

证明 .

To show that $S^4$ has no symplectic structure, we can use the following theorem:

Theorem: Any closed oriented manifold $M$ with $H^2(M;\mathbb{Z})=0$ has no symplectic structure.

Proof: Suppose $M$ has a symplectic structure. Then by the non-degeneracy of the symplectic form, we have $H^2(M;\mathbb{R})\cong H^2_{dR}(M;\mathbb{R})\neq 0$. But by Poincaré duality and the Universal Coefficient Theorem, we have $H^2(M;\mathbb{R})\cong H^2(M;\mathbb{Z})\otimes\mathbb{R}\cong \operatorname{Hom}(H_2(M;\mathbb{Z}),\mathbb{R})\cong H^2(M;\mathbb{Z})$ since $M$ is closed and oriented. Therefore, $H^2(M;\mathbb{Z})\neq 0$, which is a contradiction. Hence, $M$ has no symplectic structure.

Now, $H^2(S^4;\mathbb{Z})=0$ since $S^4$ is simply connected and $H^2(S^4;\mathbb{Z})$ is the abelianization of $\pi_1(S^4)$, which is trivial. Therefore, by the above theorem, $S^4$ has no symplectic structure.

To show that $S^2 \times S^4$ has no symplectic structure, we can use the following lemma:

Lemma: If $M$ and $N$ are symplectic manifolds of dimensions $2m$ and $2n$, respectively, then $M\times N$ has a symplectic structure of dimension $2(m+n)$.

Proof: Let $\omega_M$ and $\omega_N$ be symplectic forms on $M$ and $N$, respectively. Then the product form $\omega_M\oplus \omega_N$ is a symplectic form on $M\times N$ of dimension $2(m+n)$.

Since $S^4$ has no symplectic structure, it follows that $S^2 \times S^4$ has no symplectic structure.

问题 2.

Describe Hamiltonian flow in the symplectic manifold $T^* M$ by the Hamiltonian $H=\pi^* f$, where $\pi: T^* M \longrightarrow M$ is the natural projection and $f \in C^{\infty}(M)$. Also, show that a coordinate chart $U \subset M$ determines a system of $n$ independent, commuting Hamiltonians on $T^* U \subset T^* M$.

证明 .

In the symplectic manifold $T^*M$, a Hamiltonian flow is a flow generated by a Hamiltonian function $H:T^*M \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ via the Hamiltonian vector field $X_H$ defined as:

$X_H=\sum_{i=1}^n\left(\frac{\partial H}{\partial p_i} \frac{\partial}{\partial q_i}-\frac{\partial H}{\partial q_i} \frac{\partial}{\partial p_i}\right)$

where $(q_1,\ldots,q_n,p_1,\ldots,p_n)$ are local coordinates on $T^*M$.

Given a function $f \in C^{\infty}(M)$, we can define a Hamiltonian function on $T^*M$ by pulling back $f$ via the natural projection $\pi:T^*M\rightarrow M$, i.e., $H = \pi^*f$. The Hamiltonian vector field generated by $H$ is given by:

$X_H=\sum_{i=1}^n\left(\frac{\partial f}{\partial q_i} \frac{\partial}{\partial p_i}-\frac{\partial f}{\partial p_i} \frac{\partial}{\partial q_i}\right)$

which generates the flow:

$\frac{d q_i}{d t}=\frac{\partial H}{\partial p_i}=\frac{\partial f}{\partial p_i} \quad \frac{d p_i}{d t}=-\frac{\partial H}{\partial q_i}=-\frac{\partial f}{\partial q_i}$

This is Hamilton’s equations of motion.

Now, consider a coordinate chart $U \subset M$. Let $(q_1,\ldots,q_n)$ be local coordinates on $U$. We can then define a local coordinate chart on $T^*U$ by taking $(q_1,\ldots,q_n,p_1,\ldots,p_n)$ as coordinates on $T^*U$. Since $\pi|{T^*U}:T^*U\rightarrow U$ is a diffeomorphism, we can pull back functions from $U$ to $T^*U$ via the inverse of this map. In particular, we can define Hamiltonian functions on $T^U$ by pulling back functions from $U$, i.e., for $f\in C^{\infty}(U)$, we can define $H_f=\pi^|{T^*U} f:T^*U\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$.

The Hamiltonian vector field generated by $H_f$ is given by:

$X_{H_f}=\sum_{i=1}^n\left(\frac{\partial f}{\partial q_i} \frac{\partial}{\partial p_i}-\frac{\partial f}{\partial p_i} \frac{\partial}{\partial q_i}\right)$

which is the same as the Hamiltonian vector field generated by $\pi^*f$ on $T^*M$, but restricted to $T^*U$. Note that the restriction of a Hamiltonian vector field to a submanifold is still a Hamiltonian vector field with the same Hamiltonian.

问题 3.

Let $\rho \in \Omega^{\bullet}(G)$ be a left-invariant form on a Lie group $G$. Show that $d \rho=0$ if $\rho$ is also right-invariant.

证明 .

To show that $d \rho = 0$ for a left-invariant and right-invariant form $\rho$, we will use the Cartan’s magic formula:

$\mathcal{L}_X=d \circ i_X+i_X \circ d$,

where $\mathcal{L}_X$ is the Lie derivative with respect to the vector field $X$, $i_X$ is the interior product with $X$, and $d$ is the exterior derivative. Since $\rho$ is left-invariant, we have that $\mathcal{L}_X \rho = 0$ for all left-invariant vector fields $X$. Similarly, since $\rho$ is right-invariant, we have that $\mathcal{L}_Y \rho = 0$ for all right-invariant vector fields $Y$.

Let $X$ be a left-invariant vector field, and $Y$ be a right-invariant vector field. Then, we have:

\begin{align*} d \rho(X,Y) &= \mathcal{L}_X \rho(Y) – \rho(\mathcal{L}_X Y) &&\text{(Cartan’s magic formula)}\ &= \mathcal{L}_X \rho(Y) &&\text{(since $Y$ is right-invariant)}\ &= 0 &&\text{(since $\rho$ is left-invariant)} \end{align*}

Similarly, we can show that $d \rho(X,Y) = 0$ when $X$ is right-invariant and $Y$ is left-invariant. Since any vector field on $G$ can be written as a linear combination of left-invariant and right-invariant vector fields, we conclude that $d \rho = 0$ for any left-invariant and right-invariant form $\rho$ on $G$.

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