拓扑学 Topology MATH346



拓扑学 Topology MATH346

When $W$ is finite, $L_{T}$ is a simplex for each $T \neq S$ and $L_{S}=\emptyset$. Hence,
1-\chi\left(L_{T}\right)= \begin{cases}0 & \text { if } T \neq S, \ 1 & \text { if } T=S .\end{cases}
So when $W$ is finite the theorem is the tautology $1 / W(\mathbf{t})=1 / W(\mathbf{t})$.
Suppose $W$ is infinite. We can rewrite Corollary (ii) as
\frac{1}{W(t)}=-\varepsilon(S) \sum_{T \subsetneq S} \frac{\varepsilon(T)}{W_{T}(t)}
The proof is by induction on $\operatorname{Card}(T)$. For any $T \subset S$, let $\mathcal{S}(T)$ be the set of spherical subsets of $T$ and for any $U \in \mathcal{S}(T)$, let $L_{U}(T)$ be the simplicial complex corresponding to $\mathcal{S}(T), U$. Using (17.11) and the inductive hypothesis, we get
\frac{1}{W(\mathbf{t})}=-\varepsilon(S) \sum_{T \subsetneq S} \varepsilon(T) \sum_{U \in \mathcal{S}(T)} \frac{1-\chi^{\left(L_{U}(T)\right)}}{W_{U}(\mathbf{t})}
The coefficient of $1 / W_{U}(t)$ on the right hand side is
-\varepsilon(S) \sum_{U \subset T \subseteq S} \varepsilon(T)\left[1-\chi\left(L_{U}(T)\right)\right] .

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(Right-angled polygon groups.) Suppose $W$ is right angled with nerve a $k$-gon, $k \geqslant 4$, and that $\mathbf{t}$ is a single indeterminate $t$. Using Theorem as before, we get
\frac{1}{W(t)}=1-\frac{k t}{1+t}+\frac{k t^{2}}{(1+t)^{2}}=\frac{t^{2}+(2-k) t+1}{(1+t)^{2}} .
The roots of the numerator are $\rho$ and $\rho^{-1}$; so
\rho^{\pm 1}=\frac{(k-2) \mp \sqrt{k^{2}-4 k}}{2},
e.g., $\rho=\frac{3-\sqrt{5}}{2}$ when $k=5$.

拓扑学 Topology MATH322501



拓扑学 Topology MATH322501
问题 1.

Suppose a virrually sorsiont-free group $G$ acts properly and cocompactly on an acyclic conplex $Y$ whose cohonology wibh connpact supports is given by
H_{e}^{i}(Y) \cong \begin{cases}0 & \text { if } i \neq n \ Z & \text { if } i=n\end{cases}
Then $G$ is a virual $P^{n}$-group.

证明 .

Since $Y / G$ is compact, $G$ is type $V F L$. By Lemma F.2.2,
H_{c}^{i}(G, Z G) \cong H_{c}^{i}(Y) \cong \begin{cases}0 & \text { if } i \neq n, \ Z & \text { if } i=n .\end{cases}
and the same formula holds for any torsion-free subgroup $\pi$ of finite index in $G$.

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where $a=5<n_{1}<\cdots I_{n}=b$ runs over all possible subdivisions of $[a, b]$. $(X, d)$ is a length grace if
d(x, y)=\inf {\Omega(\gamma) \mid \gamma \text { is a path from } x \text { to } y} .
(Here we allow oo as a possible value of $d$.) Thus, a length space is a geodesic space if the above infimum is alw ays realized and is $\neq \infty$.

拓扑学 Topology MATH31052


这是一份manchester曼切斯特大学 MATH31052作业代写的成功案例

拓扑学 Topology MATH31052
问题 1.

Suppose $\pi$ is a group and that $B \pi$ is its classifying space. As is usual, the universal cover of $B \pi$ is denoted $E \pi$. ( $E \pi$ is called the universal space for $\pi$.) Given a $\mathbb{Z} \pi$-module $A$, the homology and cohomology groups of $\pi$ with coefficients in $A$ are defined by
H_{}(\pi ; A):=H_{}(B \pi ; A) \quad \text { and } \quad H^{}(\pi ; A):=H^{}(B \pi ; A) .

证明 .

Let $\varepsilon: C_{0}(E \pi) \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}$ be the augmentation map. Since $E \pi$ is acyclic (it is contractible), the sequence
\longrightarrow C_{k}(E \pi) \longrightarrow \cdots \longrightarrow C_{0}(E \pi) \stackrel{\varepsilon}{\longrightarrow} \mathbb{Z} \longrightarrow 0
is exact. In other words, (F.4) is a resolution of $\mathbb{Z}$ by free $\mathbb{Z} \pi$-modules. (Here and throughout the group $\pi$ acts trivially on $\mathbb{Z}$.)

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\operatorname{Hom}{G}\left(\mathbb{Z}\left(G / G{\sigma}\right), \operatorname{Hom}\left(F_{}, \mathbb{Z} G\right)\right) \cong \operatorname{Hom}{G{\sigma}}\left(F_{}, \mathbb{Z} G\right) .^{3}
The cohomology of this last complex is just $H^{q}\left(G_{\sigma} ; \mathbb{Z} G\right)$. Taking cohomology first with respect to $q$ we get a spectral sequence whose $E_{1}^{p q}$ term is a sum of terms of the form $H^{q}\left(G_{\sigma} ; \mathbb{Z} G\right)$. Since $\mathbb{Z} G$ is a free $G_{\sigma}$-module and since $G_{\sigma}$ is finite (because the action is proper), these groups vanish for $q>0$. For $q=0$ they are the invariants, $(\mathbb{Z} G)^{G_{\sigma}}$. All that remains is
E_{1}^{p, 0}=\bigoplus(\mathbb{Z} G)^{G_{\sigma}} \cong \operatorname{Hom}{G}\left(C{p}, \mathbb{Z} G\right)=C_{G}^{p}(Y)
So $E_{2}^{p, 0} \cong H_{G}^{p}(Y ; \mathbb{Z} G)$. Since the $G$-action on $Y$ is cocompact, Lemma F.2.1 (i) gives $H_{G}^{p}(Y ; \mathbb{Z} G)=H_{c}^{p}(Y)$, completing the proof.



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  • 微分拓扑Differential topology
  • 几何拓扑学Geometric topology


拓扑学作为一门定义明确的数学学科,起源于二十世纪初,但一些孤立的结果可以追溯到几个世纪前。其中包括欧拉(Leonhard Euler)研究的某些几何问题。他在1736年发表的关于柯尼斯堡七桥的论文被认为是拓扑学的第一批实际应用之一。1750年11月14日,欧拉写信给一个朋友,说他已经意识到多面体的边的重要性。这导致了他的多面体公式:V-E+F=2(其中V、E和F分别表示多面体的顶点、边和面的数量)。一些权威人士认为这一分析是第一个定理,标志着拓扑学的诞生。


Topology, as a well-defined mathematical discipline, originates in the early part of the twentieth century, but some isolated results can be traced back several centuries.Among these are certain questions in geometry investigated by Leonhard Euler. His 1736 paper on the Seven Bridges of Königsberg is regarded as one of the first practical applications of topology. On 14 November 1750, Euler wrote to a friend that he had realized the importance of the edges of a polyhedron. This led to his polyhedron formula, V − E + F = 2 (where V, E, and F respectively indicate the number of vertices, edges, and faces of the polyhedron). Some authorities regard this analysis as the first theorem, signaling the birth of topology.



(i) Suppose $W$ is finite and $t_{S}$ is the monomial corresponding to its element of longest length. Then
t_{S}=W(\mathbf{t}) \sum_{T \subset S} \frac{\varepsilon(T)}{W_{T}(\mathbf{t})} .
(ii) If $W$ is infinite, then
0=\sum_{T \subset S} \frac{\varepsilon(T)}{W_{T}(\mathbf{t})}
Proof. Apply Lemma 17.1.4 in the case $T=S$, to get
W^{s}(\mathbf{t})=W(\mathbf{t}) \sum_{U \subset S} \frac{\varepsilon(S-U)}{W_{S-U}(\mathbf{t})}
Suppose $W$ is finite. Then, by Lemma $4.6 .1, W^{S}=\left{w_{S}\right}$; so, $W^{S}(\mathbf{t})=t_{S}$. Reindex the sum by setting $T=S-U$, to get (i).

If $W$ is infinite, then $W^{S}=\emptyset$ and $W^{S}(\mathbf{t})=0$. Reindex the sum by setting $T=S-U$ and then divide by $W(\mathrm{t})$ to get (ii).


拓扑学的基本思想可以追溯到戈特弗里德-莱布尼茨,他在17世纪设想了几何学的情景和分析情景。Leonhard Euler的柯尼斯堡七桥问题和多面体公式可以说是该领域的第一个定理。拓扑学一词是由约翰-本尼迪克特-罗列在19世纪提出的,尽管直到20世纪的头几十年才发展出拓扑空间的概念。

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