热力学代写 Thermodynamics代考2023


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经典热力学Classical thermodynamics代写

经典热力学是对处于近平衡状态的热力学系统状态的描述,它使用宏观的、可测量的属性。它被用来模拟基于热力学定律的能量、功和热的交换。修饰语 “经典 “反映了这样一个事实,即它代表了对这一主题在19世纪发展的第一层理解,并以宏观经验(大尺度和可测量的)参数来描述一个系统的变化。这些概念的微观解释后来由统计力学的发展提供。

统计力学Statistical mechanics代写



  • Chemical thermodynamics化学热力学
  • Equilibrium thermodynamics平衡热力学




热力学代写 Thermodynamics代考2023


Thermodynamics is a branch of classical physics and chemistry that studies and describes the thermodynamic transformations induced from heat to work in a thermodynamic system in processes involving changes in the state variables temperature and energy.

Classical thermodynamics is based on the concept of a macroscopic system, i.e. a part of the mass physically or conceptually separated from the external environment, which for convenience is usually assumed not to be disturbed by the exchange of energy with the system (isolated system): the state of a macroscopic system in equilibrium is specified by quantities called thermodynamic variables or state functions, such as temperature, pressure, volume and chemical composition. The main notations of chemical thermodynamics have been established by IUPAC.


问题 1.

A state function for a Van der Waals gas is given by an equation between thermodynamic variables that depend on model parameters $A, B$, and a physical constant $R$ :
\left(P+\frac{A N^2}{V^2}\right)(V-N B)=N R T
where $A N^2 / V^2$ is referred to as the internal pressure due to the attraction between molecules and $N B$ is an extra volume, sometimes associated with the the volume per molecule.

Write out a differential expression for $d N$ in terms of differentials of the thermodynamic variables.

证明 .

A state function for a Van der Waals gas is given by an equation between thermodynamic variables that depend on model parameters $A, B$, and a physical constant $R$ :
\left(P+\frac{A N^2}{V^2}\right)(V-N B)=N R T
where $A N^2 / V^2$ is referred to as the internal pressure due to the attraction between molecules and $N B$ is an extra volume, sometimes associated with the volume per molecule.

Write out a differential expression for $d N$ in terms of differentials of the thermodynamic variables.

The solution is pretty straightforward. One way is to differentiate the entire expression and group the terms corresponding to $d N, d P, d T$, and $d V$. Another way to do is by implicit differentiation. The real gas equation can be rewritten such that,
N & =N(T, V, P) \
d N & =\left(\frac{\partial N}{\partial P}\right){T, V} d P+\left(\frac{\partial N}{\partial V}\right){T, P} d V+\left(\frac{\partial N}{\partial T}\right){P, V} d T \end{aligned} $$ In an equivalent way, you could have written the function $P=P(V, T, N)$ and extract $d N$ from the following. $$ d P=\left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial N}\right){T, V} d N+\left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial V}\right){T, N} d V+\left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial T}\right){N, V} d T
For instance, the first term $\left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial N}\right){T, V}$ can be evaluated as $$ \left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial T}\right){P, V}=\frac{N R}{V-N B}
Using any one of the methods you would get
d N=\frac{(V-B N) d P+\left(P-\left(A N^2 / V^2\right)+\left(2 A B N^3 / V^3\right)\right) d V-R N d T}{B P+R T+\left(3 A B N^2 / V^2\right)-(2 A N / V)}


一个 “热力学系统 “是宇宙的任何部分,人们对其作为调查对象感兴趣(宇宙的其余部分被称为环境)。这部分空间与宇宙的其余部分,即外部环境,被一个控制面(真实的或想象的表面,刚性的或可变形的)分开,是内部转变和与外部环境的物质或能量交换的场所。因此,这些交换本身导致了系统的转变,因为它从一个起始条件到一个不同的条件。在实践中,当一个系统从最初的平衡状态到最终的平衡状态时,它就被转化了。另一方面,环境保持近似 “不变”,因为系统相对于它是如此之小,以至于能量或物质的交换对于环境中相同的整体来说是不相关的,否则我们就不是在谈论环境,而是在谈论另一个系统(根据定义,环境并不对应于它)。

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光学代写 optics代考2023


如果你也在 怎样代写热力Thermodynamics学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。

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几何光学Geometrical optics代写


量子光学Quantum optics代写



  • 反射(物理学)Reflection (physics)
  • 折射Refraction


光学的历史是科学史的一部分。光学一词来自古希腊语的τα ὀπτικά。它最初是指与眼睛有关的一切科学。希腊人将光学从dioptrics和catoptrics中区分出来。我们可能会把第一种科学称为视觉,第二种科学称为镜片,第三种科学称为镜子。希腊光学的伟大名字是欧几里德、亚历山大的赫伦和托勒密。


光学代写 optics代考2023


The history of optics is a part of the history of science. The term optics comes from the ancient Greek τα ὀπτικά. It is originally the science of everything related to the eye. The Greeks distinguish optics from dioptrics and catoptrics. We would probably call the first science of vision, the second science of lenses and the third science of mirrors. The great names of Greek optics are Euclid, Heron of Alexandria and Ptolemy.

Since antiquity, optics has undergone many developments. The very meaning of the word has varied and from the study of vision, it has passed in several stages to the study of light, before being incorporated recently into a broader body of physics.


问题 1.

A glass plate is sprayed with uniform opaque particles. When a distant point source of light is observed looking through the plate, a diffuse halo is seen whose angular width is about $2^{\circ}$. Estimate the size of the particles. (Hint: consider Fraunhoffer diffraction through random gratings, and use Babinet’s principle)

证明 .

The diffraction pattern of an opaque circular particle is complementary to that due to circular apertures of the same size in an otherwise opaque screen.
Under the Fraunhofer condition $\left(\frac{k\left(x^{\prime 2}+y^{\prime 2}\right)}{2 z} \ll 1, \frac{k\left(x^2+y^2\right)}{2 z} \ll 1\right)$
& E\left(x^{\prime}, y^{\prime}\right) \approx \frac{1}{z} \iint \exp \left(-i k\left(\theta_{x^{\prime}} x+\theta_{y^{\prime}} y\right)\right) t(x, y) E(x, y) d x d y \
& \text { Where } \theta_{x^{\prime}} \approx \frac{x \prime}{z}, \theta_{y^{\prime}} \approx \frac{y \prime}{z} \
For the given problem, we may further assume $\mathrm{E}(\mathrm{x}, \mathrm{y})$ is a plane wave at normal incidence, and the transmission function $t(x, y)$ for a single can be expressed as:
t(x, y)=1-\operatorname{circ}\left(\frac{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}{R}\right)
Where $R$ is the radius of the opaque particles.
E\left(x^{\prime}, y^{\prime}\right) \approx \frac{1}{z} \iint \exp \left(-i k\left(\theta_{x^{\prime}} x+\theta_{y^{\prime}} y\right)\right)\left[1-\operatorname{circ}\left(\frac{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}{R}\right)\right] d x d y \
E\left(x^{\prime}, y^{\prime}\right) \approx \frac{1}{z} \mathcal{F}\left[1-\operatorname{circ}\left(\frac{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}{R}\right)\right] \
\text { With } x^{\prime}=\frac{z}{k} k_x, y^{\prime}=\frac{z}{k} k_y \
E\left(k_x, k_y\right) \approx \frac{1}{z}\left[\delta\left(\sqrt{k_x{ }^2+k_y{ }^2}\right)-|R|^2 \frac{2 \pi J_1\left(R \sqrt{k_x^2+k_y{ }^2}\right)}{R \sqrt{k_x{ }^2+k_y{ }^2}}\right]

Where $\gamma=R \sqrt{k_x^2+k_y^2}=\frac{2 \pi}{\lambda} R \theta$
From the above table,
\frac{2 \pi}{\lambda} R \Delta \theta=7.106-3.832=3.274
Taking central wavelength at visible frequency, $\lambda=500 \mathrm{~nm}$ and given $\Delta \theta=2^{\circ}$, we find the radius of the particle:
R=\lambda \frac{3.274}{(2 \pi)^2\left(\frac{\Delta \theta}{360}\right)}=500 \mathrm{~nm} \times\left(\frac{3.274}{(2 \pi)^2 \frac{2}{360}}\right)=7463 \mathrm{~nm}=7.4 \mu \mathrm{m}



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电磁学代写 Electromagnetism代考2023


如果你也在 怎样代写电磁Electromagnetism学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。

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基本相互作用Fundamental interaction代写


经典电磁学Classical electrodynamics代写

1600年,威廉-吉尔伯特在他的De Magnete中提出,电和磁虽然都能引起物体的吸引和排斥,但却是不同的效果。海员们注意到,雷击有能力干扰罗盘针。直到本杰明-富兰克林在1752年提出的实验,法国的托马斯-弗朗索瓦-达利巴德在1752年5月10日用一根40英尺高(12米)的铁棒代替风筝进行了实验,他成功地从云中提取了电火花,这才证实了闪电和电力之间的联系。


  • Nonlinear system非线性系统
  • Magnetohydrodynamics磁流体力学


对这一现象最早的研究可能要追溯到希腊哲学家泰勒斯(公元前600年),他研究了琥珀的电学特性,琥珀是一种化石树脂,在摩擦时能吸引其他物质:它的希腊名字是elektron(ἤλεκτρον),而 “电 “这个词就来源于此。古希腊人意识到,琥珀能够吸引轻的物体,如头发,而且反复摩擦琥珀本身甚至可以产生火花。

电磁学代写 Electromagnetism代考2023

The earliest study of this phenomenon probably goes back to the Greek philosopher Thales (600 BC), who studied the electrical properties of amber, a fossil resin that attracts other substances when rubbed: its Greek name is elektron (ἤλεκτρον), from which the word ‘electricity’ is derived. The ancient Greeks realised that amber could attract light objects, such as hair, and that repeated rubbing of the amber itself could even produce sparks.


问题 1.

Show that $S^4$ has no symplectic structure. Show that $S^2 \times S^4$ has no symplectic structure.

证明 .

To show that $S^4$ has no symplectic structure, we will use the following fact from symplectic geometry: a compact symplectic manifold has even dimension.

Suppose that $S^4$ has a symplectic structure. Then $S^4$ is a compact symplectic manifold, so its dimension must be even. However, the dimension of $S^4$ is $4$, which is not even. Therefore, $S^4$ cannot have a symplectic structure.

To show that $S^2 \times S^4$ has no symplectic structure, we will use the following fact: the product of two symplectic manifolds is symplectic if and only if both factors have even dimension.

Suppose that $S^2 \times S^4$ has a symplectic structure. Then both $S^2$ and $S^4$ are symplectic manifolds, so their dimensions must both be even. However, the dimension of $S^2$ is $2$, which is not even. Therefore, $S^2 \times S^4$ cannot have a symplectic structure.



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牛顿力学|MATH009 Newtonian Mechanics代写2023


Assignment-daixieTM为您提供伦敦大学学院 London’s Global University MATH009 Newtonian Mechanics牛顿力学代写代考辅导服务!


Newtonian mechanics, which is a branch of classical physics that deals with the motion of objects under the influence of forces. The course covers essential concepts such as force, torque, momentum, angular momentum, and energy.

The study of point particles is a common starting point in mechanics, and the course likely covers the dynamics of point particles in great detail, including the classic problem of a central force with the inverse square law. Vector methods are likely emphasized in this course, and you may encounter vector differential equations as well.

Overall, this course will provide a solid foundation in the fundamental principles of classical mechanics and equip you with the tools needed to analyze and solve problems in this area of physics.

MATH009 Newtonian Mechanics牛顿力学

问题 1.

A pendulum consists of a ball of mass $\mathrm{M}$ attached to the end of a rigid bar of length $2 \mathrm{~d}$ which is pivoted at the center. At the other end of the bar is a container (“catch”). A second ball of mass $\mathrm{M} / 2$ is thrown into the catch at a velocity $\mathrm{v}$ where it sticks. For this problem, ignore the mass of the pendulum bar and catch, and treat the balls as if they were point masses (i.e., neglect their individual moments of inertia).
(a) What is the initial angular rotation rate of the pendulum after the incoming ball is caught?

证明 .

(a) The angular momentum of the system relative to the pivot point just prior to the upper ball being caught is:
L=\frac{M}{2} v d
As there are no external torques acting on the system relative to the pivot point during the time of the collision, the angular momentum can be determined as:
L=I \omega=\left(M d^2+\frac{M}{2} d^2\right) \omega=\frac{3}{2} M d^2 \omega
\omega=\frac{v}{3 d}

问题 2.

(b) How much total mechanical energy is lost when the incoming ball gets stuck in the catch?

证明 .

(b) The energy of the upper ball prior to sticking to the catch is:
E_i=\frac{1}{2} \frac{M}{2} v^2=\frac{1}{4} M v^2
After the collision, all of the energy can be expressed as pure rotation about the stationary pivot point, hence:
E_f=\frac{1}{2} I \omega^2=\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{3}{2} M d^2\right)\left(\frac{v}{3 d}\right)^2=\frac{1}{12} M v^2
\Delta E=E_f-E_i=\frac{1}{6} M v^2


(c) What minimum velocity does the incoming ball need in order to invert the pendulum (i.e., rotate it by $180^{\circ}$ )?



(c) Because there are only conservative forces acting (the pivot does not move so it
does no work) total mechanical energy is conserved. Assuming that the bottom of
the swing sets the zeropoint for gravitational potential, at the point that the ball
sticks the total energy is:

E_i=\frac{M}{2}(2 d) g+\frac{1}{12} M v^2
The point at which the pendulum just comes to rest inverted, the bottom mass is at height $2 \mathrm{~d}$ :
E_f=M(2 d) g
With $\Delta \mathrm{E}=0$ this gives:
& 2 M d g=M d g+\frac{1}{12} M v^2 \
& \Rightarrow v=\sqrt{12 d g}

这是一份2023年的伦敦大学学院 MATH009 Newtonian Mechanics牛顿力学代写的成功案例

力学代写 mechanics代考2023


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经典力学Classical mechanics代写


统计力学Statistical mechanics代写



  • Theory of relativity相对论
  • Quantum mechanics量子力学



力学代写 mechanics代考2023


The history and development of differential geometry as a discipline can be traced back at least to the ancient classics. It is closely related to the development of geometry, the concepts of space and form, and the study of topology, particularly manifolds. In this section we focus on the history of the application of infinitesimal methods to geometry, and then on the idea of tangent spaces, and finally on the development of the modern formalism of the discipline in terms of tensors and tensor fields.


问题 1.

Hooke’s law, a constitutive equation for a linear, elastic material, can be written in general form as:
\sigma_{i j}=\lambda \varepsilon_{k k} \delta_{i j}+2 \mu \varepsilon_{i j} \text { where } \lambda \text { and } \mu \text { are Làme constants. }
a) Expand Hooke’s Law. How many independent equations are there?

证明 .

a) Hooke’s law
\sigma_{i j}=\lambda \varepsilon_{k k} \delta_{i j}+2 \mu \varepsilon_{i j}
\delta_{i j}=\left{\begin{array}{l}
1, \mathrm{i}=\mathrm{j} \
0, \mathrm{i} \neq \mathrm{j}
For $i=1$
& \sigma_{11}=\lambda\left(\varepsilon_{11}+\varepsilon_{22}+\varepsilon_{33}\right)+2 \mu \varepsilon_{11} \
& \sigma_{12}=2 \mu \varepsilon_{12} \
& \sigma_{13}=2 \mu \varepsilon_{13}

For $\mathrm{i}=2$
& \sigma_{21}=2 \mu \varepsilon_{21} \
& \sigma_{22}=\lambda\left(\varepsilon_{11}+\varepsilon_{22}+\varepsilon_{33}\right)+2 \mu \varepsilon_{22} \
& \sigma_{23}=2 \mu \varepsilon_{23}
For $\mathrm{i}=3$
& \sigma_{31}=2 \mu \varepsilon_{31} \
& \sigma_{32}=2 \mu \varepsilon_{32} \
& \sigma_{33}=\lambda\left(\varepsilon_{11}+\varepsilon_{22}+\varepsilon_{33}\right)+2 \mu \varepsilon_{33}




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流体力学|Fluid mechanics II 3A3代写2023


Assignment-daixieTM为您提供剑桥大学University of Cambridge Fluid mechanics II 3A3流体力学代写代考辅导服务!


Fluids are generally considered to be those materials that have the ability to constantly change their shape by adapting to the container, which is why liquids, vapors and gases are considered to be fluids. Fluid mechanics consists of two main branches:

Fluid mechanics deals with fluids that are stationary in an inertial system, i.e. with constant velocity in time and homogeneity in space. Historically, it was the first step towards the study of mechanics.
Fluid dynamics or fluid mechanics (including specifically aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, and oil dynamics), deals with fluids in motion.
Fluids are characterized by having their own volume and a density very similar to that of solids, which means that at the microscopic level, the distances between molecules remain small and the interaction forces are high. This is a fundamental difference from gaseous substances, which have a low density and therefore low intermolecular interactions, allowing them to expand at any volume.

流体力学|Fluid mechanics II 3A3代写2023

问题 1.

(a) Supersonic flow enters a straight pipe of constant cross-sectional area. Heat transfer is negligible, but the pipe wall is rough. Draw a labelled graph to show how the Mach number distribution along the pipe evolves as the skin-friction coefficient increases from zero. You may assume that the exit pressure is low enough to ensure that the inlet conditions are always the same.

证明 .

(a) The graph below shows the variation of the Mach number with distance along the pipe as the skin friction coefficient increases from zero. As the skin friction coefficient increases, the velocity near the pipe wall decreases, causing the boundary layer to thicken. This results in a reduction in the effective cross-sectional area available for flow, which in turn reduces the mass flow rate and increases the Mach number. The Mach number gradually increases until it reaches the sonic condition at the throat of the pipe, after which it remains constant until the exit.

问题 2.

(b) Air flows in a pipe of length $5.9 \mathrm{~m}$ and inside diameter $0.2 \mathrm{~m}$. The inlet stagnation pressure is 2.7 bar, and the static pressure at the pipe exit is 1 bar. If the exit is choked, and there are no shocks in the pipe, find: (i) the two possible values of the Mach number at the inlet; (ii) the skin-friction coefficient $c_f$ corresponding to each.

证明 .

(b) From the given data, we can use the choked flow condition to find the Mach number at the inlet. The choked flow condition occurs when the flow velocity at the throat of the pipe reaches the local speed of sound. At the throat, the Mach number is therefore 1.

Using the isentropic relations for a perfect gas, we can relate the Mach number to the pressure ratio across the throat:

$\frac{P_{02}}{P_{01}}=\left(\frac{1+\frac{\gamma-1}{2} M_1^2}{\frac{\gamma+1}{2}}\right)^{\frac{\gamma}{\gamma-1}}=\frac{P_{02}}{P_e}=\left(\frac{A_e}{A_{02}}\right)^2=1$,

where $P_{01}$ is the stagnation pressure at the inlet, $P_{02}$ is the pressure at the throat, $P_e$ is the static pressure at the exit, $A_{02}$ is the area of the throat, and $A_e$ is the area of the exit.

Solving for $M_1$ using the given values, we find that there are two possible values of the Mach number at the inlet:


Next, we can use the Prandtl-Meyer function to find the Mach number corresponding to a given skin-friction coefficient $c_f$. The Prandtl-Meyer function is a relation between the Mach number and the turning angle of a supersonic flow, and it depends only on the specific heat ratio $\gamma$ of the gas. The skin-friction coefficient $c_f$ can be related to the friction Reynolds number $Re_{\tau}$ using the law of the wall:

$c_f=\frac{\tau_w}{\frac{1}{2} \rho_1 V_1^2}=\frac{0.026}{R e_\tau^{0.2}}$,

where $\tau_w$ is the wall shear stress, $\rho_1$ is the density at the inlet, and $V_1$ is the velocity at the inlet.

For air at room temperature and pressure, $\gamma=1.4$. Using a table or a calculator, we can find that the Prandtl-Meyer function for $\gamma=1.4$ is approximately $\nu=30.5^{\circ}$ at $M=0.747$, and $\nu=66.1^{\circ}$ at $M=2.11$.

To find the turning angle corresponding to a given skin-friction coefficient, we can use the relation

$\theta=\frac{c_f}{2 \nu}$

Using the values of $c

问题 3.

(a) For each of the following equations or systems of equations, state whether they are hyperbolic, elliptic or parabolic. Also briefly discuss the implications for boundary/initial conditions and for numerical solution methods.

(i) $$ \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}+\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2}=0 $$

(ii) $$ u \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}=\alpha \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2} $$ where $\alpha$ is a positive constant.

(iii) The Euler equations in one dimension, i.e. $$ \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\left[\begin{array}{c} \rho \\ \rho u \\ E \end{array}\right]+\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left[\begin{array}{c} \rho u \\ \rho u^2+p \\ u(E+p) \end{array}\right]=0, $$ where the symbols have their usual meanings.

证明 .

(i) The equation $\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}+\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2}=0$ is an example of the Laplace equation, which is an elliptic partial differential equation. The solutions to elliptic equations are smooth and have no characteristic curves, which implies that the boundary/initial conditions should be given on the whole boundary/initial surface. Numerical methods for solving elliptic equations include finite difference, finite element, and spectral methods.

(ii) The equation $u \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}=\alpha \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2}$ is an example of a convection-diffusion equation, which can be hyperbolic or parabolic depending on the values of $u$ and $\alpha$. To determine the type of equation, we need to compute the characteristic speeds. The characteristic speeds are given by $\lambda_1 = u$ and $\lambda_2 = \pm \sqrt{\alpha u}$, which are real and distinct when $u>0$ and $\alpha>0$. Therefore, the equation is hyperbolic when $u>0$ and $\alpha>0$. On the other hand, when $u<0$ or $\alpha<0$, the equation is parabolic. For hyperbolic equations, initial/boundary conditions must be prescribed along characteristic curves, while for parabolic equations, initial/boundary conditions must be given at an initial time/surface. Numerical methods for solving hyperbolic equations include finite difference, finite volume, and finite element methods, while numerical methods for parabolic equations include finite difference, finite element, and boundary element methods.

(iii) The Euler equations in one dimension are a system of nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations. The solutions to hyperbolic equations have characteristic curves, which are the curves along which information propagates. Boundary/initial conditions must be specified along characteristic curves, and numerical methods for solving hyperbolic equations must be designed to respect the properties of the characteristic curves. Some popular methods for solving hyperbolic equations include finite difference, finite volume, and finite element methods, as well as shock-capturing and high-resolution schemes.

这是一份2023年的剑桥大学University of Cambridge Fluid mechanics II 3A3流体力学流体力学代写的成功案例

流体力学|Fluid mechanics I 3A1代写2023


Assignment-daixieTM为您提供剑桥大学University of Cambridge Fluid mechanics I 3A1流体力学代写代考辅导服务!


Fluid mechanics is the branch of physics and engineering that studies the behavior of fluids, which are substances that can flow and take on the shape of their container. Fluids include liquids, gases, and plasmas, and fluid mechanics involves the study of their physical properties, such as viscosity, density, pressure, and flow rate.

Fluid mechanics has a wide range of applications in various fields, such as aerospace engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, and environmental engineering. It is used to design and analyze systems that involve fluids, such as pumps, turbines, pipes, and airfoils, and to understand phenomena such as turbulence, cavitation, and drag. The study of fluid mechanics also plays a crucial role in understanding natural phenomena, such as weather patterns, ocean currents, and the behavior of the human circulatory system.

流体力学|Fluid mechanics I 3A1代写2023

问题 1.

A thin symmetric airfoil operating at an angle of attack $\alpha$ has a trailing-edge flap with a hinge line at $80 \%$ of chord. (a) The flap is deflected downwards by an angle $\delta$. Find an expression for the additional lift coefficient due to the flap deflection. You may apply the usual small-angle assumptions.

证明 .

(a) The additional lift coefficient due to the flap deflection can be calculated using the following equation:

$\Delta C_{L_{\mathrm{flap}}}=\frac{\partial C_L}{\partial \alpha} \cdot \frac{\partial \alpha}{\partial \delta} \cdot \delta$

where $\Delta C_{L_{\text{flap}}}$ is the additional lift coefficient due to flap deflection, $\frac{\partial C_L}{\partial \alpha}$ is the lift slope, $\frac{\partial \alpha}{\partial \delta}$ is the flap effectiveness, and $\delta$ is the flap deflection angle.

For a thin symmetric airfoil, the lift slope is given by:

$\frac{\partial C_L}{\partial \alpha}=2 \pi$

The flap effectiveness can be approximated using the following equation:

$\frac{\partial \alpha}{\partial \delta}=\frac{2}{\pi}\left(\frac{c \text { flap }}{c}\right)$

where $c_{\text{flap}}$ is the chord length of the flap and $c$ is the chord length of the airfoil.

Since the flap hinge line is at $80 %$ of the chord, we can assume that the flap chord length is $20 %$ of the airfoil chord length. Therefore, we have:

$\frac{\partial \alpha}{\partial \delta}=\frac{2}{\pi}\left(\frac{0.2 c}{c}\right)=\frac{0.4}{\pi}$

Substituting these values into the first equation, we obtain:

$\Delta C_{L_{\mathrm{flap}}}=\frac{\partial C_L}{\partial \alpha} \cdot \frac{\partial \alpha}{\partial \delta} \cdot \delta=2 \pi \cdot \frac{0.4}{\pi} \cdot \delta=0.8 \cdot \delta$

Therefore, the additional lift coefficient due to flap deflection is proportional to the flap deflection angle.

问题 2.

(b) If the flap is deflected by $10^{\circ}$, what is the magnitude of the additional lift coefficient?

证明 .

(b) If the flap is deflected by $10^{\circ}$, the magnitude of the additional lift coefficient is:

$\Delta C_{L_{\mathrm{flap}}}=0.8 \cdot 10^{\circ}=0.139$

问题 3.

(c) If the flap is not deflected, what change in angle of attack $\alpha$ is required to achieve the same lift as that in (b)?

证明 .

(c) If the flap is not deflected, the lift coefficient is given by:

$C_L=2 \pi \alpha$

To achieve the same lift coefficient as in part (b), we need to find the angle of attack $\alpha$ that satisfies:

$C_L=2 \pi \alpha+\Delta C_{L_{\text {flap }}}=2 \pi \alpha+0.139$

Equating this expression to the lift coefficient without flap deflection, we have:

$2 \pi \alpha+0.139=2 \pi \alpha_0$

where $\alpha_0$ is the angle of attack without flap deflection. Solving for $\alpha$, we obtain:

$\alpha=\alpha_0+\frac{0.139}{2 \pi}$

Therefore, the change in angle of attack required to achieve the same lift as in part (b) is proportional to the additional lift coefficient due to flap deflection, and is independent of the flap deflection angle.

这是一份2023年的剑桥大学University of Cambridge Fluid mechanics I 3A1流体力学代写的成功案例

动力学|Dynamics 3C5代写2023


Assignment-daixieTM为您提供剑桥大学University of Cambridge Dynamics 3C5动力学代写代考辅导服务!


Dynamics is a branch of physics that deals with the study of motion and the forces that cause it. It is concerned with understanding how objects move and how the motion of objects is affected by various forces. Dynamics is a fundamental part of physics and has applications in many different fields, including engineering, astronomy, and mechanics.

There are two main branches of dynamics: kinematics and kinetics. Kinematics deals with the description of motion, including the position, velocity, and acceleration of an object. Kinetics, on the other hand, deals with the causes of motion, including the forces that act on an object and how those forces affect the object’s motion.

Dynamics plays an important role in understanding many different phenomena, from the motion of planets and galaxies to the behavior of fluids and gases. It is also important in the design and construction of structures, vehicles, and machines, as engineers need to understand the forces that will act on these objects in order to design them properly.

动力学|Dynamics 3C5代写2023

问题 1.

A freely flying particle of mass $M$ has a horizontal position $x(t)$ relative to a reference point, and a vertical position $y(t)$ above the ground. (i) Find expressions for the generalized momenta associated with $x$ and $y$.

证明 .

The generalized momenta associated with $x$ and $y$ can be obtained from the Lagrangian of the system, which is given by:

$L = \frac{1}{2}M\left(\dot{x}^2 + \dot{y}^2\right) – Mg y$

The generalized momentum associated with $x$ is:

$p_x = \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{x}} = M\dot{x}$

The generalized momentum associated with $y$ is:

$p_y = \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{y}} = M\dot{y}$

问题 2.

(ii) Derive the Hamiltonian for the motion.

证明 .

The Hamiltonian for the motion can be obtained using the Legendre transformation:

$H = \sum_i p_i\dot{q_i} – L$

Substituting the expressions for the generalized momenta and the Lagrangian, we get:

$H = \frac{1}{2M}\left(p_x^2 + p_y^2\right) + Mgy$

(iii) To demonstrate that $\dot{x}^2\left(\dot{y}^2+2 g y\right)$ is conserved during the motion, we need to show that its Poisson bracket with the Hamiltonian is zero:

${ \dot{x}^2\left(\dot{y}^2+2 g y\right), H } = \frac{\partial \dot{x}^2\left(\dot{y}^2+2 g y\right)}{\partial x}\frac{\partial H}{\partial p_x} – \frac{\partial \dot{x}^2\left(\dot{y}^2+2 g y\right)}{\partial p_x}\frac{\partial H}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial \dot{x}^2\left(\dot{y}^2+2 g y\right)}{\partial y}\frac{\partial H}{\partial p_y} – \frac{\partial \dot{x}^2\left(\dot{y}^2+2 g y\right)}{\partial p_y}\frac{\partial H}{\partial y}$

Using the expressions for the generalized momenta and the Hamiltonian, we get:

${ \dot{x}^2\left(\dot{y}^2+2 g y\right), H } = 0$

Therefore, $\dot{x}^2\left(\dot{y}^2+2 g y\right)$ is conserved during the motion.

问题 3.

(iii) Demonstrate that the quantity $\dot{x}^2\left(\dot{y}^2+2 g y\right)$ is conserved during the motion, using the definition of Poisson brackets given on the Data Sheet.

证明 .

To demonstrate that the quantity $\dot{x}^2\left(\dot{y}^2+2 g y\right)$ is conserved during the motion, we need to show that its Poisson bracket with the Hamiltonian is zero:

$\left{H, \dot{x}^2\left(\dot{y}^2+2 g y\right)\right}=0$

where $H$ is the Hamiltonian of the system.

The Hamiltonian of a freely flying particle is given by:

$H=\frac{1}{2} M\left(\dot{x}^2+\dot{y}^2\right)+M g y$

Taking the Poisson bracket, we have:

\begin{align*} {H, \dot{x}^2(\dot{y}^2 + 2gy)} &= \frac{\partial H}{\partial x} \frac{\partial}{\partial \dot{x}}\left(\dot{x}^2(\dot{y}^2 + 2gy)\right) – \frac{\partial H}{\partial \dot{x}}\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(\dot{x}^2(\dot{y}^2 + 2gy)\right) \ &\quad + \frac{\partial H}{\partial y} \frac{\partial}{\partial \dot{y}}\left(\dot{x}^2(\dot{y}^2 + 2gy)\right) – \frac{\partial H}{\partial \dot{y}}\frac{\partial}{\partial y}\left(\dot{x}^2(\dot{y}^2 + 2gy)\right) \ &= 0 + 0 + Mg\dot{x}^2 – 2M\dot{x}\dot{y}\ddot{x} \ &= Mg\dot{x}^2 – 2M\dot{x}\dot{y}\frac{d}{dt}\left(\frac{\partial H}{\partial \dot{y}}\right) \ &= Mg\dot{x}^2 – 2M\dot{x}\dot{y}\frac{d}{dt}(M\dot{y}) \ &= Mg\dot{x}^2 – 2M^2\dot{x}\dot{y}\ddot{y} \ &= M\dot{x}^2(g – \ddot{y}\dot{x}^2) \ &= 0 \end{align*}

where we have used the chain rule, the Hamilton’s equations of motion, and the fact that $\frac{\partial H}{\partial \dot{x}} = M\dot{x}$ and $\frac{\partial H}{\partial \dot{y}} = M\dot{y}$.

Therefore, we have shown that the quantity $\dot{x}^2(\dot{y}^2 + 2gy)$ is conserved during the motion.

这是一份2023年的剑桥大学University of Cambridge Dynamics 3C5动力学代写的成功案例

振动|Vibration 3C6代写2023


Assignment-daixieTM为您提供剑桥大学University of Cambridge Vibration 3C6振动代写代考辅导服务!


Vibration refers to the rapid back-and-forth motion of an object around its equilibrium position. This motion can be described in terms of its frequency, amplitude, and direction.

Vibration can occur in a variety of systems, including mechanical systems such as engines and bridges, electronic systems such as speakers and microphones, and even biological systems such as the human body.

Vibration can have both positive and negative effects. For example, it can be used to help mix materials, or to generate electricity in power plants. On the other hand, excessive vibration can cause damage to structures or equipment, or be harmful to human health, such as causing motion sickness or hearing damage.

振动|Vibration 3C6代写2023

问题 1.

As a first approximation axial vibration of a space launch vehicle is modelled as a rod of length $L$ and cross-sectional area $A$, with mass per unit length $\rho$ and Young’s modulus $E$. The spatial coordinate $x$ is measured from one end of the rod, and the axial displacement at the location $x$ is $u(x, t)$. During flight a corrective impulsive thrust $I$ is applied at the location $x=x_1$. Just after the impulse (at $t=0$ say) the resulting conditions are $$ u(x, 0)=0, \quad \dot{u}(x, 0)=(I / \rho) \delta\left(x-x_1\right) $$ The rod has free boundary conditions at each end. (a) Assume a solution for the resulting motion of the rod in the form $$ u(x, t)=f(x-c t)+g(x+c t) $$ where $c$ is the compressive wave speed. Write down the initial conditions and boundary conditions that apply to the problem. By focusing on the properties of $f^{\prime}(x)$, rather than $f(x)$, find an expression for $f^{\prime}(x)$ over the range $0 \leq x \leq L$ and show that beyond this range the function is symmetric and has period $2 L$. Hence show that the velocity of the system can be represented as two travelling delta functions which are reflected from the ends of the rod.

证明 .

We assume a solution for the resulting motion of the rod in the form:

$u(x, t)=f(x-c t)+g(x+c t)$

where $c$ is the compressive wave speed, $f(x-ct)$ is a leftward-travelling wave and $g(x+ct)$ is a rightward-travelling wave.

The initial conditions are:

$\begin{aligned} & u(x, 0)=f(x)+g(x)=0 \ & \dot{u}(x, 0)=c\left(f^{\prime}(x)-g^{\prime}(x)\right)=\frac{I}{\rho} \delta\left(x-x_1\right)\end{aligned}$

The boundary conditions are:

$\begin{aligned} & u(0, t)=f(-c t)+g(c t)=0 \ & u(L, t)=f(L-c t)+g(L+c t)=0\end{aligned}$

By focusing on the properties of $f^{\prime}(x)$, we can write:

$\dot{u}(x, 0)=c\left(f^{\prime}(x)-g^{\prime}(x)\right)=\frac{I}{\rho} \delta\left(x-x_1\right)$

Taking the derivative with respect to $x$ of the above expression and evaluating at $x=x_1$, we obtain:

$\left.f^{\prime}(x)\right|{x=x_1}-\left.g^{\prime}(x)\right|{x=x_1}=\frac{I}{\rho c}$

Solving for $f(x)$, we have:

$f(x)=-g(x)+A \sin \left(\frac{n \pi}{L} x\right)$

where $A$ is a constant determined by the initial conditions and $n$ is an odd integer. Since $f(x)$ is odd and periodic with period $2L$, we have:

$f(x+2 L)=-f(x)$



Hence, the velocity of the system can be represented as two travelling delta functions which are reflected from the ends of the rod:

$\dot{u}(x, t)=\frac{I}{2 \rho c}\left[\delta\left(x-x_1-c t\right)+\delta\left(x-x_1+c t\right)\right]+\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{2 A}{n \pi} \sin \left(\frac{n \pi}{L} x\right) \cos \left(\frac{n \pi c}{L} t\right)$

问题 2.

A cantilever beam of length $L$, uniform cross-section of area $A$ and second moment of area $I$ is made of a material with density $\rho$ and Young’s modulus $E$. (a) The beam is clamped at $x=0$ and free at $x=L$, and undergoes small-amplitude bending vibration with transverse displacement $y(x, t)$. (i) Starting from the governing equation for transverse vibration of a beam, derive an expression for the $n$th mode shape $u_n(x)$ in terms of the wavenumber $k_n$ and the properties of the beam.

证明 .

The governing equation for the transverse vibration of a beam is given by:

$\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}\left(E I \frac{\partial^2 y}{\partial x^2}\right)+\rho A \frac{\partial^2 y}{\partial t^2}=0$

For the $n$th mode shape, we assume that $y(x,t) = u_n(x)sin(\omega_nt)$, where $\omega_n$ is the $n$th natural frequency. Substituting this into the governing equation and simplifying yields:

$\frac{d^4 u_n}{d x^4}+\frac{\omega_n^2 \rho A}{E I} u_n=0$

This is a fourth-order linear homogeneous differential equation with constant coefficients. The general solution is a linear combination of four functions:

$u_n(x)=A_n \sin \left(k_n x\right)+B_n \cos \left(k_n x\right)+C_n e^{\alpha_n x}+D_n e^{-\alpha_n x}$

where $k_n = \frac{\omega_n}{\sqrt{\frac{EI}{\rho A}}}$ is the wavenumber and $\alpha_n = \frac{\sqrt{\omega_n^2 \rho A / EI}}{2}$ is the decay constant. The constants $A_n$, $B_n$, $C_n$ and $D_n$ can be determined from the boundary conditions.

问题 3.

Find the natural frequencies $\omega_n$ of the beam for the first four modes, using a suitable approximation where needed. Express your answer as factors $\alpha_n$ of the first natural frequency $\omega_1$, i.e. in the form $\omega_n=\alpha_n \omega_1$.

证明 .

For a cantilever beam, $y(0,t)=0$ and $y'(0,t)=0$, which imply $u_n(0)=0$ and $u_n'(0)=0$. For a free end, $y”(L,t)=0$ and $y”'(L,t)=0$, which imply $u_n”(L)=0$ and $u_n”'(L)=0$.

Using these boundary conditions, we can solve for the natural frequencies and mode shapes. For the first four modes, we have:

Mode 1: $u_1(x)=B_1sin(k_1x)$

At the clamped end, $u_1(0)=0$, which implies $B_1=0$. At the free end, $u_1”(L)=0$, which gives:

$k_1 L=\frac{\pi}{2}$

The first natural frequency is then:

$\omega_1=\frac{\pi}{2 L} \sqrt{\frac{E I}{\rho A}}$

Mode 2: $u_2(x)=C_2e^{\alpha_2 x}+D_2e^{-\alpha_2 x}$

At the clamped end, $u_2(0)=0$, which implies $C_2+D_2=0$. At the free end, $u_2”(L)=0$, which gives:

$\alpha_2^4 L^4-\alpha_2^2 L^2+k_2^2=0$

This equation cannot be solved analytically, but we can use a suitable approximation where $\alpha_2 L \ll 1$. In this case, the above equation reduces to:

$k_2 L=\frac{\pi}{L}$

The second natural frequency is then:

$\omega_2=\frac{\pi}{L} \sqrt{\frac{2 E I}{\rho A}}$

Mode 3: $u_3(x)=B_3cos(k_3x)$

At the clamped end, $u_3

这是一份2023年的剑桥大学University of Cambridge Vibration 3C6振动代写的成功案例

固体力学|Mechanics of solids 3C7代写2023


Assignment-daixieTM为您提供剑桥大学University of Cambridge Mechanics of solids 3C7固体力学代写代考辅导服务!


Mechanics of solids is a branch of mechanics that deals with the behavior of solid materials subjected to various external forces. It is concerned with the study of deformation, stress, and failure of materials under various loading conditions.

Some of the fundamental concepts and principles of mechanics of solids are:

  1. Stress: Stress is the force per unit area acting on a material. It is a measure of the internal forces that hold the material together.
  2. Strain: Strain is the change in dimension of a material under the influence of stress. It is a measure of the deformation of the material.
  3. Elasticity: Elasticity is the ability of a material to deform under stress and return to its original shape when the stress is removed. A material that exhibits this behavior is said to be elastic.
  4. Plasticity: Plasticity is the ability of a material to undergo permanent deformation when subjected to stress. A material that exhibits this behavior is said to be plastic.
  5. Yield strength: Yield strength is the stress at which a material begins to exhibit plastic deformation.
  6. Failure: Failure is the point at which a material can no longer withstand the applied stress and ruptures.

Mechanics of solids is used in many engineering applications, such as the design of structures, machines, and materials. It is also used in fields like aerospace, civil, mechanical, and materials engineering, among others.

固体力学|Mechanics of solids 3C7代写2023

问题 1.

Derive the equilibrium equation in the $z$-direction in terms of the shear stress components $\sigma_{z y}$ and $\sigma_{z x}$ with all other stress components equal to zero.

证明 .

The equilibrium equation in the $z$-direction can be derived from the principle of equilibrium, which states that the sum of forces and moments acting on a body must be zero for the body to be in static equilibrium. For a small element in a three-dimensional stress field, the equilibrium equation in the $z$-direction can be expressed as:

$\frac{\partial \sigma_{x z}}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial \sigma_{y z}}{\partial y}+\frac{\partial \sigma_{z z}}{\partial z}+f_z=0$,

where $\sigma_{xz}$ and $\sigma_{yz}$ are the shear stresses acting on the $z$-plane, $\sigma_{zz}$ is the normal stress acting on the $z$-plane, and $f_z$ is the external force acting in the $z$-direction.

Since all other stress components are zero, we have $\sigma_{xx}=\sigma_{yy}=\sigma_{xy}=0$. Thus, the equilibrium equation reduces to:

$\frac{\partial \sigma_{z x}}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial \sigma_{z y}}{\partial y}+\frac{\partial \sigma_{z z}}{\partial z}+f_z=0$.

Since $\sigma_{zy}=\sigma_{yz}$, we can write:

$\frac{\partial \sigma_{z x}}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial \sigma_{y z}}{\partial y}+\frac{\partial \sigma_{z z}}{\partial z}+f_z=0$.

Finally, substituting $\sigma_{yz}$ and $\sigma_{zx}$ with $\sigma_{zy}$ and $\sigma_{xz}$ respectively, we get:

$\frac{\partial \sigma_{x z}}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial \sigma_{z y}}{\partial y}+\frac{\partial \sigma_{z z}}{\partial z}+f_z=0$.

Therefore, the equilibrium equation in the $z$-direction in terms of the shear stress components $\sigma_{zy}$ and $\sigma_{xz}$ with all other stress components equal to zero is:

$\frac{\partial \sigma_{x z}}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial \sigma_{z y}}{\partial y}+\frac{\partial \sigma_{z z}}{\partial z}+f_z=0$

问题 2.

For the case of a torsion of a shaft made from an isotropic elastic material, the strain components are given in terms of the warping function $w(x, y)$ and the twist $\beta$ per unit length of the shaft by $$ \gamma_{z x}=-\beta y+\frac{\partial w}{\partial x}, \text { and } \gamma_{z y}=\beta x+\frac{\partial w}{\partial y} . $$ Hence show that the warping function satisfies $\nabla^2 w=0$.

证明 .

To show that the warping function $w(x, y)$ satisfies $\nabla^2 w=0$, we need to calculate the Laplacian of $w$ which is defined as the sum of the second partial derivatives of $w$ with respect to its independent variables $x$ and $y$.

$\nabla^2 w=\frac{\partial^2 w}{\partial x^2}+\frac{\partial^2 w}{\partial y^2}$

Let’s start by differentiating the first strain component $\gamma_{zx}$ with respect to $y$ and the second strain component $\gamma_{zy}$ with respect to $x$:

$\begin{aligned} & \frac{\partial \gamma_{z x}}{\partial y}=-\beta \ & \frac{\partial \gamma_{z y}}{\partial x}=\beta\end{aligned}$

Next, we can differentiate these expressions again, using the product rule for differentiation, to obtain:

$\begin{aligned} & \frac{\partial^2 \gamma_{z x}}{\partial y^2}=0 \ & \frac{\partial^2 \gamma_{z y}}{\partial x^2}=0\end{aligned}$

We can now use the strain-displacement equations for torsion, which relate the strains to the warping function and the twist per unit length of the shaft, to express the second partial derivatives of the strain components in terms of the warping function:

$\begin{aligned} & \frac{\partial^2 \gamma_{z x}}{\partial y^2}=\frac{\partial}{\partial y}\left(\frac{\partial \gamma_{z x}}{\partial x}\right)=\frac{\partial}{\partial y}\left(\frac{\partial w}{\partial x}\right)=\frac{\partial^2 w}{\partial x \partial y} \ & \frac{\partial^2 \gamma_{z y}}{\partial x^2}=\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(\frac{\partial \gamma_{z y}}{\partial y}\right)=\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(\frac{\partial w}{\partial y}\right)=\frac{\partial^2 w}{\partial y \partial x}\end{aligned}$

Using the symmetry of mixed partial derivatives, $\frac{\partial^2 w}{\partial x \partial y} = \frac{\partial^2 w}{\partial y \partial x}$, we can add these expressions to obtain:

$\frac{\partial^2 w}{\partial x^2}+\frac{\partial^2 w}{\partial y^2}=0$

which is the Laplace equation for $w$. Therefore, we have shown that the warping function satisfies $\nabla^2 w = 0$ for the case of torsion of a shaft made from an isotropic elastic material.

问题 3.

A turbine rotor has the form of a cylinder of outer radius $40 \mathrm{~mm}$ and length $60 \mathrm{~mm}$ with a central circular hole of radius $20 \mathrm{~mm}$. The rotor is shrink fitted onto a shaft of radius slightly greater than the circular hole in the rotor. The rotor and the shaft are made from the same alloy steel, with Young’s modulus $E=210 \mathrm{GPa}$, Poisson’s ratio $v=0.3$, and uniaxial tensile yield strength $Y=240 \mathrm{MPa}$. If the maximum shear stress in the assembly is limited to $Y / 3$, comment on whether the above design of the rotor assembly is suitable.

证明 .

To determine whether the design of the rotor assembly is suitable, we need to calculate the maximum shear stress in the assembly and compare it to the limit of $Y/3$.

The assembly consists of the rotor and the shaft, which are shrink fitted together. This means that the rotor is heated to expand it, and then placed onto the shaft while it is still hot. As the rotor cools and contracts, it tightly grips the shaft. This creates a state of residual stress in both the rotor and the shaft.

To calculate the maximum shear stress in the assembly, we need to consider the stress state due to both the shrink fitting and any external loads. Let’s assume that the assembly is subjected to an external torque, causing the shaft to twist relative to the rotor. This creates a shear stress in the radial direction of the shaft.

The stress due to the shrink fitting can be calculated using the equation:

$\Delta \sigma = \frac{E \alpha \Delta T}{1-\nu}$

where $\Delta \sigma$ is the change in stress due to the shrink fitting, $E$ is the Young’s modulus, $\alpha$ is the coefficient of thermal expansion, $\Delta T$ is the temperature change during the fitting process, and $\nu$ is the Poisson’s ratio.

Assuming a temperature change of $100^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$ during the fitting process, and a coefficient of thermal expansion of $12\times10^{-6}\mathrm{/K}$ for steel, we can calculate the change in stress:

$\Delta \sigma = \frac{(210 \times 10^9 \mathrm{Pa})(12 \times 10^{-6} \mathrm{/K})(100^{\circ}\mathrm{C})}{1-0.3} \approx 2.52 \mathrm{MPa}$

This change in stress creates a compressive stress in the rotor and a tensile stress in the shaft.

Now let’s consider the external torque. The maximum shear stress in the assembly will occur at the outer surface of the shaft, where the diameter is the largest. The maximum shear stress due to the torque can be calculated using the formula:

$\tau = \frac{T r}{J}$

where $\tau$ is the shear stress, $T$ is the applied torque, $r$ is the radius at the location of interest, and $J$ is the polar moment of inertia of the shaft cross-section.

The polar moment of inertia of a solid cylinder is $J=\frac{\pi}{2}r^4$. Using $r=20\mathrm{~mm}$ for the shaft radius, and assuming a torque of $100\mathrm{~Nm}$, we can calculate the maximum shear stress due to the external torque:

$\tau = \frac{(100\mathrm{~Nm})(20\mathrm{~mm})}{\frac{\pi}{2}(20\mathrm{~mm})^4} \approx 8.03 \mathrm{MPa}$

The maximum shear stress in the assembly is the sum of the stress due to the shrink fitting and the stress due to the external torque:

$\tau_{max} = \Delta \sigma + \tau \approx 10.55 \mathrm{MPa}$

This is less than the limit of $Y/3 = 80\mathrm{~MPa}$, so the design of the rotor assembly is suitable.

这是一份2023年的剑桥大学University of Cambridge Mechanics of solids 3C7固体力学代写的成功案例